Philly School Officials: Without Tobacco Tax Hike, We Can't Open - Hit & Run :
Reconsidering Electronic Cigarettes: A Story | Unclouded Thinking
International review of e-cig studies shows low risk, huge potential benefits | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
E-Cigarettes are Less Harmful Than Conventional Cigarettes
A major scientific review states that e-cigarettes are less harmful to users or bystanders as compared to conventional cigarettes.
Tobacco Teachings, Up in Smoke? | ACS
Trendy vapor tanks muscling into e-cigarette sales | Reuters
REUTERS - The electronic cigarette, touted as a way to cut smoking, is facing a serious contender that even smokers find sexy.Vapor tanks are typically hunkier and allow smokers and would-be quitters...
International review of e-cig studies shows low risk, huge potential benefits | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
Q&A: The Hidden Costs of Tobacco Debt - ProPublica
How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions in Toxic Debt - ProPublica
E-Cigarettes could save thousands of lives, experts say — RT UK
For every million smokers who switch to e-cigarettes, more than 6,000 lives a year could be saved, according to UK health experts.
Effectiveness and tolerability of electronic cigarette in real-life: a 24-month prospective observational study - Springer
E-cigarettes: The lingering questions : Nature News & Comment
Berkeley council regulates e-cigarettes, passes civic center protections -
14 Electronic Cigarette Studies That Shame the Critics - ChurnMag
Electronic cigarettes: it is urgent to promote them to save lives - Online First - Springer
Nicotine control: E-cigarettes, smoking and addiction - International Journal of Drug Policy
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS): the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?
RCP statement on e-cigarettes | Royal College of Physicians
Forum of International Respiratory Studies Position Statement on E-Cigarettes
Smoking | spiked
US Cigarette Sales Dropping GIF - Business Insider
Bye-bye big tobacco.
Memo to public health grandees: vaping, vapers and you « The counterfactual
Big battles ahead over electronic cigarettes’ safety, regulation - San Francisco Chronicle
With the Oxford Dictionaries naming “vape” as 2014’s Word of the Year and a new study showing e-cigarette vaping has surpassed traditional cigarette smoking among U.S. teens, the debate over whether...
San Francisco launches campaign warning public in BART and Muni of dangers of vaping |
San Francisco has launched a first of a kind campaign against electronic cigarettes.
Sacramento News & Review - Waiting to exhale - Feature Story - Local Stories - April 3, 2014
Teen survey: Marijuana use is down, but e-cigs are popular -
Healthy Outlook by Denice Dennis: Why e-cigarettes are bad for community's health -
Citing public health, Leno seeks more limits on e-cigarettes - SFGate
FAA Warns E-Cigarettes a Fire Danger in Checked Airline Bags - Businessweek
E-cig bigwigs reveal plan to SILENCE health critics after raising $110,000 fightback fund in THREE HOURS - Mirror Online