Electronic cigarettes: it is urgent to promote them to save lives - Online First - Springer
14 Electronic Cigarette Studies That Shame the Critics - ChurnMag
Berkeley council regulates e-cigarettes, passes civic center protections - ContraCostaTimes.com
E-cigarettes: The lingering questions : Nature News & Comment
IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Effect of Smoking Abstinence and Reduction in Asthmatic Smokers Switching to Electronic Cigarettes: Evidence for Harm Reversal
Study demonstrating the benefit of switching to #ecigs if you are a smoker with asthma: http://t.co/lLsZrWiCww
Effectiveness and tolerability of electronic cigarette in real-life: a 24-month prospective observational study - Springer
E-Cigarettes could save thousands of lives, experts say — RT UK
For every million smokers who switch to e-cigarettes, more than 6,000 lives a year could be saved, according to UK health experts.
Mod Holder | Vape Bag | Vape Case | PV Pouch | Vapesox™
Natural E-Liquids Made in America | Organic E-Juice | Bare Naked USA
Hulvip |
Sub Ohm Innovations
Electronic Cigarette Convention | Electronic Cigarette Convention
@jenniferbourn Is that happening now? No, going to http://t.co/5Uxac5YtUI with the hubby. He's been to lots of WP events with me.
Not So Educated - E-cigarette vaping educational resource - What are we vaping?
Entertainingly presented facts about #ecigs http://t.co/TuU57tptLn #vaping
How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions in Toxic Debt - ProPublica
Q&A: The Hidden Costs of Tobacco Debt - ProPublica
International review of e-cig studies shows low risk, huge potential benefits | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
International review of e-cig studies shows low risk, huge potential benefits | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
Reconsidering Electronic Cigarettes: A Story | Unclouded Thinking
Trendy vapor tanks muscling into e-cigarette sales | Reuters
REUTERS - The electronic cigarette, touted as a way to cut smoking, is facing a serious contender that even smokers find sexy.Vapor tanks are typically hunkier and allow smokers and would-be quitters...
Tobacco Teachings, Up in Smoke? | ACS
Philly School Officials: Without Tobacco Tax Hike, We Can't Open - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Judge Says Anti-Tobacco Report From FDA's Professional Anti-Tobacco Experts May Be a Bit Biased - Reason 24/7 : Reason.com
Mexico restricts confectionery and chocolate advertising to children
"Big Tobacco" reports declines in cigarettes sold across the board | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
E-Cigarettes are Less Harmful Than Conventional Cigarettes
A major scientific review states that e-cigarettes are less harmful to users or bystanders as compared to conventional cigarettes.
E-cigarette vendor appeals against conviction for breaching WA tobacco laws - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Nexus Vapour is your source for Vapor, Ecigarettes, eliquid, ejuice, Mods and Accessories in the East San Francsico Bay Area
Nexus Vapour - the best full service electronic cigarette vape and vapor store in the San Ramon East Bay Area.
Inside the Vaper's Den: E-Cig Salvation, and New Dangers - NBC News.com
AA has 12 steps to take. For e-cigarette vapers, there are 7,000 chemicals to kick.
Soldiers: Let Them Have (Alternative) Tobacco Products