Factors Associated with E-cigarette Use - American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Safety of electronic cigarettes and the Loch Ness Monster - Bernd Mayer
Electronic cigarettes do not damage the heart
Nicotine safety in the context of e-cigarette use and tobacco dependence
Scientific Errors in the Tobacco Products Directive A letter sent by scientists to the European Union
What you need to know about electronic cigarettes | Royal College of Physicians
World Health Organization needs to see e-cigarettes as part of the solution, not the problem, say leading specialists in nicotine science and public health - Nicotine Science and Policy
Letter to Margaret Chan from 53 Scientists
Exposure to Electronic Cigarette Television Advertisements Among Youth and Young Adults
Tobacco Truth: E-Cigarette TV Ads: Adults’ Exposure Much Higher Than Kids’
Oakley City Council eyes expanded anti-smoking ordinance - ContraCostaTimes.com
Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA) Urges Science-Based Dialogue at June 11 Senate Committee Hearing on E-Cigarettes and Vapor Products - Press Release - Digital Journal
SFATA Urges Science-Based Dialogue at June 11 Senate Committee Hearing on E-Cigarettes and Vapor Products http://t.co/Elw2BK6N6I
Electronic cigarettes: Call it quits | The Economist
Text - S.2047 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Protecting Children from Electronic Cigarette Advertising Act of 2014 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
E-Cigarette Critics Worry New Ads Will Make 'Vaping' Cool For Kids : NPR
As electronic cigarette companies get bold with advertising, anti-smoking groups fear the ads will lure teens and get them hooked on nicotine.
Holy Smokes: E-Cigarette Ads Debut on TV - WSJ.com
Big Tobacco back in TV viewers' faces as FDA cuts in
E-Cig Companies Spent $60 Million on Ads Last Year | Media - Advertising Age
E-cigarette makers spent $59.3 million combined on marketing and promotions last year. Democratic congress members urge the FDA to issue regulations.
Students say vaping is an easy habit to start - LA Canada
drDonna Willis MDmph, vapor smoking regulations and legislation in other...
Fixing E-Cigarettes Ads - Business Insider
E-Cigarettes: FDA Regulation Looms for $1.5 Billion Industry - Businessweek
Senate bill would restrict e-cigarette marketing to children and teens
The "gateway" myth debunked - Democratic Underground
For Smokers Only
Energy Drinks: The New Gateway Drug?
Study Casts Doubt on Gateway-Drug Theory | Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Is chocolate the real gateway drug? | Open Society Institute (OSI) - Baltimore | Audacious Ideas
Marijuana as a Gateway Drug: The Myth That Will Not Die | TIME.com
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Another Marijuana Myth Bites the Dust--The Real Gateway Drug is Alcohol | Alternet