Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack « WordPress PluginsTiled Gallery Carousel allows you to display image galleries in mosaic styles without Jetpack.#plugins#gallery#masonry#WordPress#carousels·wordpress.org·Mar 19, 2015Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack « WordPress Plugins
Responsive Gallery GridChange the native WordPress gallery to a gallery that nicely fits your images into a jigsaw-like grid. Much like the Google+ gallery.#plugins#gallery#masonry#WordPress·wordpress.org·Mar 19, 2015Responsive Gallery Grid
Mikado Grid Gallery for WordPress | CodeCanyonTime to throw away trivial grid galleries! Mikado is a WordPress image gallery based on random grids with a lot of features. It’s responsive and images will adapt with a nice and smooth anima...#plugins#gallery#masonry#premium#WordPress·codecanyon.net·Mar 19, 2015Mikado Grid Gallery for WordPress | CodeCanyon
Final Tiles Grid Gallery « WordPress PluginsThe best wordpress grid gallery , you can say goodbye to the old-looking galleries based on squares, columns or rows.#plugins#gallery#masonry#WordPress·wordpress.org·Mar 19, 2015Final Tiles Grid Gallery « WordPress Plugins