Cybersecurity1 - Nimbus-Key ID plugin - Wordpress - YouTube
WP Hide security plugin
Comprehensive WordPress Activity Log Plugin | WP Security Audit Log
The WP Security Audit Log plugin keeps an activity log of every change that happens on your WordPress websites & multisite networks. It is very easy to use & has the most comprehensive & detailed WordPress activity log. Ease WordPress troubleshooting & identify WordPress hack attacks before they happen.
Magic Password - WordPress security plugin
Magic Password allows you to log in to your websites without providing username and password. Just open our mobile app, scan Magic code and you’re done. It’s simple, quick and highly secure!
WP User Activity
WP User Activity is the best way to log activity in WordPress. Activity can be sorted, filtered, and viewed per-user, along with session data for logg …
Are Your WordPress Plugins Putting Your Website at Risk?
Best practices for choosing safe WordPress plugins - and ensuring your current ones are secure.
How-To Securely Give Support Access To Your WordPress Dashboard!
This is a common scenario when you need to give your Developer access to your WordPress Dashboard. Sharing your own admin account is so back-dated and risky, and creating another account and [...]
Cerber Limit Login Attempts
Protects site against brute force attacks. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. ...
5 Awesome WordPress Plugins You May Not Have Heard of
There are thousands of awesome plugins out there. Many of them, like WordPress SEO by Yoast or W3 To...
Everything You Need To Know About The iThemes Security Plugin | Elegant Themes Blog
WordPress sites are attacked by hackers every day. Many sites fall prey to hackers simply because they’re not secure enough. They don’t have enough to protect them. Some only have simple protection...
Clef Tutorial - Passwordless WordPress Authentication
Registration Honeypot « WordPress Plugins
BruteProtect « WordPress Plugins
Brute Force Attack Protection for WordPress
Wordfence Security « WordPress Plugins
WordPress File Monitor Plus « WordPress Plugins
Anti-Malware (Get Off Malicious Scripts) « WordPress Plugins
Better WP Security « WordPress Plugins
Secure WordPress « WordPress Plugins
AntiVirus for WordPress — Clever Plugin for better security in the blogosphere
WP Security Scan « WordPress Plugins