DrewAPicture/Support-MeSupport-Me - Development home for the "Support Me" WordPress plugin, used to generate temporary user...#WordPress#plugins#admin#users#support·github.com·Jul 27, 2016DrewAPicture/Support-Me
Weglot Review: Translate Your WordPress Website in the Fast Lane - WP MayorCome check out Weglot, a unique freemium multilingual plugin designed to make translating your WordP...#WordPress#plugins#translation·wpmayor.com·Jul 26, 2016Weglot Review: Translate Your WordPress Website in the Fast Lane - WP Mayor
Nelio Content for WordPressNelio Content is the editorial calendar for WordPress that allows you to plan your posts, schedule y...#WordPress#plugins#editing#admin·neliosoftware.com·Jul 26, 2016Nelio Content for WordPress
Full Site Cache for KeyCDNThis plugin allows full site acceleration for WordPress with KeyCDN, which gives you the advantages ...#WordPress#plugins#caching·wordpress.org·Jul 26, 2016Full Site Cache for KeyCDN
Datafeedr WooCommerce Importer#WordPress#plugins#woocommerce#affiliates·wordpress.org·Jul 23, 2016Datafeedr WooCommerce Importer
Pixel Cat Facebook Conversion PixelFacebook's recommended plugin for adding Facebook Conversion Pixel code to WordPress sites.#WordPress#plugins#facebook#analytics·wordpress.org·Jul 21, 2016Pixel Cat Facebook Conversion Pixel
WordPress Image Hover LiteEasily add social sharing icons on every wordpress image hover via wysiwyg editor button!#WordPress#plugins#social media#sharing·wordpress.org·Jul 21, 2016WordPress Image Hover Lite
Custom Twitter FeedsCustom Twitter Feeds allows you to display completely customizable Twitter feeds of your user timeli...#WordPress#plugins#twitter#social media·wordpress.org·Jul 21, 2016Custom Twitter Feeds
WordPress Social StreamNOW WITH FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE + & LINKEDIN SHARE LINKS! WordPress Social Stream will combine al...#WordPress#plugins#social media·codecanyon.net·Jul 21, 2016WordPress Social Stream
10 Best WordPress Caching Plugins Tested and Compared - aThemesNeed to speed up your WordPress blog? Click here to learn about the best WordPress caching plugins, ...#WordPress#plugins#caching·athemes.com·Jul 19, 201610 Best WordPress Caching Plugins Tested and Compared - aThemes
Tips for Power Users of WP Migrate DB ProAs a developer, I love simple tools that do a specific set of tasks really well and then get out of ...#WordPress#plugins#migration#tutorials·deliciousbrains.com·Jul 12, 2016Tips for Power Users of WP Migrate DB Pro
SVG SupportAllow SVG file uploads using the WordPress Media Library uploader plus direct styling of SVG element...#WordPress#plugins#SVG·wordpress.org·Jul 12, 2016SVG Support
Genesis Author Box Reloaded | EngageWPEver want to customize your author box to add things like links for social accounts, custom headline...#WordPress#plugins#genesiswp#authorbox·engagewp.com·Jul 11, 2016Genesis Author Box Reloaded | EngageWP
Top WordPress Plugins for Adding Structured Data - Ahmed KaludiQuestion I have received some great feedback on my last post, Harsh Agrawal commented on the post as...#WordPress#plugins#seo#metadata·ahmedkaludi.com·Jul 9, 2016Top WordPress Plugins for Adding Structured Data - Ahmed Kaludi
10 Free WordPress Plugins for Developers (Must-Have)In this roundup, I have enumerated 10 must-have and totally free WordPress plugins for developers, t...#WordPress#plugins#free#development·themeisle.com·Jul 8, 201610 Free WordPress Plugins for Developers (Must-Have)
Genesis Columns AdvancedAdds shortcodes to easily create up to 42 different columned layouts.#WordPress#plugins#columns#genesiswp·wordpress.org·Jul 7, 2016Genesis Columns Advanced
WP Accessible Twitter FeedThis plugin adds an accessible Twitter feed widget, compliant with WCAG 2, requires PHP5.#WordPress#plugins#twitter#accessibility·wordpress.org·Jul 6, 2016WP Accessible Twitter Feed
Refactored - Video Thumbnails WordPress PluginCustom Upload Options Pro Select an aspect ratio to always use for files, set maximum dimensions to ...#WordPress#plugins#video#premium#images·refactored.co·Jul 6, 2016Refactored - Video Thumbnails WordPress Plugin
MyBookTable Bookstore by Author MediaA WordPress Bookstore Plugin to help authors boost book sales on sites like Amazon and Apple iBooks ...#WordPress#plugins#ecommerce#books#Amazon·wordpress.org·Jul 5, 2016MyBookTable Bookstore by Author Media
Mooberry Book ManagerAn easy-to-use system for authors. Add your new book to your site in minutes, including links for pu...#WordPress#plugins#ecommerce#books#Amazon·wordpress.org·Jul 5, 2016Mooberry Book Manager
reyhoun/acf-backgroundacf-background - Background field include all background css attribute and compatible with Reyhoun S...#WordPress#plugins#ACF#backgrounds·github.com·Jul 4, 2016reyhoun/acf-background
Video BackgroundjQuery WordPress plugin to easily assign a video background to any element. Awesome.#WordPress#plugins#video#backgrounds·wordpress.org·Jul 4, 2016Video Background
Comet Cache™ | An advanced WordPress cache plugin inspired by simplicity.Comet Cache™ — Speed up your site (BIG time!) — Comet Cache™ provides advanced WordPress caching ins...#WordPress#plugins#caching#premium·cometcache.com·Jul 2, 2016Comet Cache™ | An advanced WordPress cache plugin inspired by simplicity.
Say what?An easy-to-use plugin that allows you to alter strings on your site without editing WordPress core, ...#WordPress#plugins#admin#translation·wordpress.org·Jun 30, 2016Say what?
Removing "Export" Links from Event Views - The Events CalendarWe occasionally hear requests from users to turn off the +Export Listed Events button on events cale...#WordPress#plugins#events#modern tribe·theeventscalendar.com·Jun 27, 2016Removing "Export" Links from Event Views - The Events Calendar
The CSS Animation Plugin for WordPress: AnimatorA free point and click tool to easily apply CSS animations to your WordPress sites, without coding.#WordPress#plugins#CSS·csshero.org·Jun 24, 2016The CSS Animation Plugin for WordPress: Animator
Top 25 Free WordPress Plugins and Why They’re So Damn PopularEver wondered what the most popular free WordPress plugins are and why they’re so freaking popular? ...#WordPress#plugins#free·premium.wpmudev.org·Jun 24, 2016Top 25 Free WordPress Plugins and Why They’re So Damn Popular
Widget OptionsGet Better Control over your Widgets. Easily show or hide WordPress widgets on specified pages & dev...#WordPress#plugins#widgets#admin·wordpress.org·Jun 24, 2016Widget Options