MailChimp Subscription PlusIncrease the count of new subscribers for your blog or website by using MailChimp and some professio...#WordPress#plugins#email#opt-in#MailChimp··Aug 21, 2015MailChimp Subscription Plus
IcegramPopup windows, floating action bars, messengers, toast notifications and more. Capture leads, optins...#WordPress#plugins#opt-in··Aug 20, 2015Icegram
QuickieBarQuickieBar makes it easy for you to convert visitors by adding an attractive and easily customizable...#WordPress#plugins#opt-in··Aug 20, 2015QuickieBar
Easy Heads Up BarThe Easy Heads Up Bar Plugin allows you to quickly add a customizable notification bar to your WordP...#WordPress#plugins#opt-in··Aug 20, 2015Easy Heads Up Bar
How To Block WordPress Referral Spam - Penguin InitiativesReferral spam can cause a lot of problems for you when trying to make sense of your Google Analytics...#WordPress#plugins#spam#analytics#google··Aug 19, 2015How To Block WordPress Referral Spam - Penguin Initiatives
Premium Double OPT-IN For Download - DOIFDStart reaching out to your prospective clients with our Wordpress Plugin Premium Double OPT-IN For D...#WordPress#plugins#opt-in#premium··Aug 19, 2015Premium Double OPT-IN For Download - DOIFD
SuperSide MeSuperSide Me is a mobile menu with teeth! Whether your site's navigation is simple or complex, this ...#WordPress#plugins#menus#mobile#premium··Aug 13, 2015SuperSide Me
The 6 Best Image Gallery Plugins for WordPress - WinningWPLooking for an image gallery plugin for WordPress? We've tried and tested heaps and narrowed things ...#WordPress#plugins#gallery··Aug 7, 2015The 6 Best Image Gallery Plugins for WordPress - WinningWP
14 Top Plugins for WordPress MultisiteIf you're looking for some of the very best plugins for WordPress Multisite, here's 14 you'll not wa...#plugins#multisite#WordPress··Aug 7, 201514 Top Plugins for WordPress Multisite
View the Latest Activity on Your Website at a GlanceHow to use the Simple History WordPress plugin to keep track of the changes that take place on your ...#WordPress#plugins#admin··Aug 6, 2015View the Latest Activity on Your Website at a Glance
FG Joomla to WordPressA plugin to migrate categories, posts, tags, images and other medias from Joomla to WordPress#WordPress#plugins#Joomla#migration#imports··Aug 5, 2015FG Joomla to WordPress
Download PeepSo Free! Add Additional Plugins To Make Your WordPress Social Network Even Better!Download PeepSo - Our Social Networking Plugin for WordPress, right here! It's FREE! Additional paid...#WordPress#plugins#community#social networking#premium··Aug 5, 2015Download PeepSo Free! Add Additional Plugins To Make Your WordPress Social Network Even Better!
Visualizer Plugin Review - Charts and Graphs in WordPressRaw data, stats, charts and graphs. … Including those is your no.1 way of taking a blog post (or any...#WordPress#plugins#visualization#charts#graphs··Aug 4, 2015Visualizer Plugin Review - Charts and Graphs in WordPress
8 WordPress Development Tools You Probably Aren’t UsingThe web is a vast place with some fantastically good resources available. Unfortunately, it’s ver...#WordPress#plugins#development··Aug 4, 20158 WordPress Development Tools You Probably Aren’t Using
Nav Menu RolesHide custom menu items based on user roles#WordPress#plugins#roles#menus··Jul 26, 2015Nav Menu Roles
Introducing Yoast Comment Hacks • YoastComments are awesome, but the WordPress comments system is sometimes slightly lacking. Several large...#WordPress#plugins#comments··Jul 22, 2015Introducing Yoast Comment Hacks • Yoast
WP TogetherJSEasily integrate Mozilla's TogetherJS collaboration system into a WordPress site.#WordPress#plugins#free#collaboration··Jul 21, 2015WP TogetherJS
MeerkatEmbed your Meerkat stream on your site so your followers, friends and fans can watch your stream any...#WordPress#plugins#meerkat#social media··Jul 21, 2015Meerkat
Disk Usage SunburstVisualize and drill down the disk usage of your whole WordPress installation. Find and identify big ...#WordPress#admin#analytics#plugins#optimization··Jul 21, 2015Disk Usage Sunburst
Documentation Post Typedocumentation-post-type - Created a WordPress custom post type for product documentation.#WordPress#plugins#free#documentation#custom post types··Jul 21, 2015Documentation Post Type
WP RollbackRollback (or forward) any plugin or theme like a boss.#WordPress#plugins#free#backups#version control··Jul 21, 2015WP Rollback
WP FeatherlightAn ultra lightweight jQuery lightbox for WordPress images and galleries.#WordPress#plugins#free#lightbox··Jul 21, 2015WP Featherlight
WP Live SearchA super light-weight live search plugin that utilizes the WP REST API.#WordPress#plugins#free#search··Jul 21, 2015WP Live Search
Title Capitalization for WordpressProperly capitalizes post titles and heading elements#WordPress#plugins#free··Jul 21, 2015Title Capitalization for Wordpress
Shortcake Bakery on GitHubshortcake-bakery - A fine selection of shortcodes for WordPress#WordPress#plugins#shortcodes··Jul 20, 2015Shortcake Bakery on GitHub
Email TemplatesSend beautiful emails with the WordPress Email Templates plugin#WordPress#plugins#email#templates#customizer··Jul 16, 2015Email Templates
The WordPress plugins setup that empowers our startupOther than great people, a startup needs powerful tools. To help future WordPress businesses, we've ...#WordPress#plugins··Jul 15, 2015The WordPress plugins setup that empowers our startup
Boosting Productivity: How to Organize the WordPress AdminAlright, I’ll admit it: I’m a procrastinator. I struggle to work productively unless my working envi...#WordPress#plugins#admin··Jul 15, 2015Boosting Productivity: How to Organize the WordPress Admin
Edit WordPress Email Templates in the CustomizerArgentinian WordPress developer Damian Logghe had never touched the Customizer API, but with all the...#WordPress#plugins#email#customizer··Jul 15, 2015Edit WordPress Email Templates in the Customizer
WP Plugin Directory | The Best WordPress PluginsWhats a Plugin List Plugin Lists are user created lists of plugins. Any registered users can create ...#WordPress#plugins··Jul 15, 2015WP Plugin Directory | The Best WordPress Plugins