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Cool Timeline
Cool Timeline
Cool Timeline WordPress plugin creates vertical and horizontal history timeline blocks in ASC or DESC order based on year and date of stories.
Cool Timeline
SendWP Fix Your WordPress Email – The easy solution to transactional email in WordPress
SendWP Fix Your WordPress Email – The easy solution to transactional email in WordPress
Getting WordPress email into an inbox shouldn’t be that hard SendWP makes getting emails delivered as simple as a few clicks. So you can relax, knowing those important emails are being delivered on time. WORDPRESS EMAIL Default WordPress email, form submissions, ecommerce receipts. All your WordPress email is important to us. When you sign-up for…
SendWP Fix Your WordPress Email – The easy solution to transactional email in WordPress
WordPress Translation Plugin
WordPress Translation Plugin
A WordPress translation plugin that anyone can use. Experience a better way of translating your WordPress site, with full support for WooCommerce and site builders.
WordPress Translation Plugin
Community Add-ons | Gravity Forms
Community Add-ons | Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms has a vibrant community of third party developers creatively extending the power and reach of the product. This area lists add-ons developed, maintained and supported by third party contributors. You cannot download or obtain support for these add-ons from official Gravity Forms channels. Go here to see the selection of official Gravity Forms add-ons.
Community Add-ons | Gravity Forms
How to Create a WordPress Knowledge Base, Quickly, and for Free
How to Create a WordPress Knowledge Base, Quickly, and for Free
If you're looking to add a WordPress knowledge base to your blog or website, you're in the right place. In this guide we go step by step through the process and show you all the elements of a knowledge base on WordPress. Read more for a detailed tutorial and information on the best plugins and themes.
How to Create a WordPress Knowledge Base, Quickly, and for Free
Adds extra upload rules to file/image Gravity Froms upload fields. You will be able to limit upload file size and dimensions of uploaded images. - entr/gravity-forms-upload-rules