Event Aggregator Status - The Events Calendar
Best WordPress Cache Plugins Review – UPDATED 2018 – WP Johnny
theme-sniffer - Theme Sniffer plugin using sniffs.
Home Page
The Best Way for Your Clients to Edit Their Beaver Builder Website. Inline Text Editing. Frontend Image Editing. Permission Based Controls. Only $59/year
featured-category-widget - Showcase a specific category with ease, including optionally setting a featured image and listing child categories.
Display Custom Post Type in Author Archive WordPress
Display Custom Post Type in Author Archive WordPress · GitHub
Incorporate Co-Authors Plus template tags into your theme
Co-Authors Plus is a plugin maintained by WordPress.com VIP which makes it easy to assign one or more bylines to a post. Upon activation, you’ll be able to start assigning multiple bylines ri…
Co-Authors Plus: Add guest bylines to your content
Co-Authors Plus is a plugin maintained by WordPress.com VIP which makes it easy to assign one or more bylines to a post. With the guest authors feature, you can assign a byline to content without h…
Keyboard Action - Revolutionize Your WordPress Workflow
Use Keyboard Action to Skyrocket your productivity inside WordPress. Keyboard Action is a command field within WordPress where you can search & execute actions, giving real-time suggestions while you type. Over 25+ Actions available, including plugin management, post management and many more!
Soil | Cleaner WordPress Markup Plugin | Roots
Soil is a WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules for front-end modifications. Cleaner WordPress markup, load jQuery from a CDN and more.
Schema App Structured Data
Get Schema.org structured data for all pages, posts, categories and profile pages on activation. Use Schema App to customize any Schema markup.
WordPress Posts Table Pro
Posts Table Pro is a WordPress table plugin that displays website content in a searchable, sortable table. It supports custom posts, pages & custom fields. Choose your columns, add filters & much more.
Yoast Comment Hacks • Yoast
Yoast Comment Hacks is a simple plugin that means to make your life using the WordPress comments system easier and more fun! This plugin currently has 5 modules, all of which were previously separate plugins, that we’ll explain briefly here: Minimum comment length Email commenters Comment redirect Comment parent edit Clean notification emails Minimum comment […]
The Slowest WordPress Plugins (and Alternatives to Try Instead)
In this post, we'll explore the slowest WordPress plugins, what causes them to negatively affect performance, and what you can do to fix or replace them.
Changing the thumbnail size - Related Posts for WordPress
If you want to change the size of thumbnails that can be displayed next to the related posts, use the filter ‘rp4wp_thumbnail_size’. Code Example You can use below code snippet to change the Related Posts for WordPress thumbnail size. View the code on Gist. Please note that above filter has to return a valid WordPress […]
Change date format for The Event Calendar single event view (M, D - D, Y
Change date format for The Event Calendar single event view (M, D - D, Y · GitHub
The Events Calendar: Custom Date/Time Display
The Events Calendar: Custom Date/Time Display · GitHub
The Events Calendar: Basic Conditional Wrappers
The Events Calendar: Basic Conditional Wrappers · GitHub
Advanced iFrame
Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements and foreward parameters. You can also embed content directly.
[iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4qsGTXLnmKs" width="100%" height="500"] shortcode
Linked Post Types - The Events Calendar
While The Events Calendar provides the Organizer and Venue post types by default, you may want to have another post type to associate with events, like “Speakers” or “Instructors”. Like Organizers, you would be able to add existing Instructors to events, or create new Instructors while creating events. Doing this before version 4.2 of The…
Nonprofit Partnership Program - The Events Calendar
We know how valuable a well-built events calendar can be to nonprofit organizations. Apply for a free PRO license through our Nonprofit Partnership Program.
5 Best RSS Aggregator Plugins for WordPress
Regardless of what kind of WordPress website you're running, chances are an RSS aggregator plugin can help you deliver more value through it. RSS feeds give you the option to curate content from multiple sources and share it with your site's readers. This way, you don't have to worry about creating original content regularly or risk losing traffic to your blog because you don't have enough content on it in the first place. In this post, we'll take a closer look at what an RSS aggregator is and what you can do with it. We'll also run the rule over five of the best (free) RSS aggregator plugi...
Shared Counts
Shared Counts adds social sharing buttons that look great and keep your site loading fast.
Google Charts - wpDataTables Tables and Charts WordPress Plugin
5 Ways the WordPress Gutenberg Editor Can Boost Revenue
Part of being a successful web designer is taking advantage of new opportunities. Some we have to hunt for, while others sort of fall into our laps. With the new...
A Complete (and FREE) Ticket Sales Solution - The Events Calendar
Event Tickets has everything you need to start collecting money and RSVPs for your events quickly and easily - in just one plugin.
Schedule Day View - The Events Calendar
Template override of the day view to focus on events currently happening. Ideal for convention attendees.
Automatic Vimeo Video Posts Plugin for WordPress
Automatic Vimeo Video Posts Plugin for WordPress®