Freesoul Deactivate Plugins allows you to deactivate specific plugins on specific pages for speed optimization, debugging and problem-solving even whe …
Introducing a clean and modern WordPress admin theme with a streamlined dashboard, Google Analytics Integration, powerful media library, dark mode, white label and much more.
Drag & Drop Page and Content Organization for WordPress
Regain control of your WordPress content. OrganizeWP enables drag and drop sorting, post type and taxonomy registration, and instant search of your content!
Development tool built for WP developers. WP Reset takes the pain out of debugging & testing plugins & themes by resetting & restoring WP installations.
The WP Security Audit Log plugin keeps an activity log of every change that happens on your WordPress websites & multisite networks. It is very easy to use & has the most comprehensive & detailed WordPress activity log. Ease WordPress troubleshooting & identify WordPress hack attacks before they happen.
How Your WordPress Security and Activity Log Can Help You Move Towards GDPR Compliance
With the GDPR fast approaching, it's important to ensure that your site is configured to detect any potential data breaches. It's also vital to make sure that sensitive data is managed in accordance with GDPR stipulations. The WP Security Audit Log plugin can help take the stress and guesswork out of both tasks!
Keyboard Action - Revolutionize Your WordPress Workflow
Use Keyboard Action to Skyrocket your productivity inside WordPress. Keyboard Action is a command field within WordPress where you can search & execute actions, giving real-time suggestions while you type. Over 25+ Actions available, including plugin management, post management and many more!