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Gravity Forms Email Blacklist
Gravity Forms Email Blacklist
Add-on plugin for Gravity Forms allowing you to specify specific emails or email domains that will throw a validation error blocking the form submissi …
Gravity Forms Email Blacklist
Distributor publicly released with Gutenberg support and Enterprise service offering
Distributor publicly released with Gutenberg support and Enterprise service offering
We are proud to announce that Distributor has exited beta and is now openly available. Distributor is a free WordPress plugin that makes it easy to syndicate and reuse content across your websites—whether in a single multisite network or across the web with the REST API. With Distributor, content creators can "push" or "pull" content [...]
Distributor publicly released with Gutenberg support and Enterprise service offering
A Guide to SMS for WordPress and Integrating It With Your Website
A Guide to SMS for WordPress and Integrating It With Your Website
It’s funny. I think that for every step forward we make in bridging the physical gaps that separate us from one another, we take one step backward in terms of actual human-to-human contact. I’m not saying I object to any of it. As a millennial, I’m much more comfortable with emailing and Facebook messaging than I am with meeting clients in person or talking to friends on the phone.
A Guide to SMS for WordPress and Integrating It With Your Website