Heartbeat Control « WordPress Plugins
Codestyling Localization « WordPress Plugins
Top WordPress CMS Plugins Compared and Reviewed - WPMU DEV
Featured Image Admin Thumb « WordPress Plugins
Display and set/change a thumbnail image of the feature/post thumbnail attached to the Post/Page/Custom Post Type when viewing posts/pages in the All
Better Search Replace: A New Plugin for Updating URLs and Text in WordPress Databases
Papi Project Adds a Page Type API to WordPress
WP-Sweep « WordPress Plugins
Easy HTTPS Redirection « WordPress Plugins
WP Force SSL « WordPress Plugins
Admin Toolbar Menus: Add Any Category or External Link to the Admin Bar
Restrict Widgets Plugin for WordPress, Set Roles for Each Widget
Easily control which pages, categories, or post types widgets will be shown on, and control whether logged in users or guests can see each one.
WP Caregiver - Options to Customize the WordPress Admin
WP Caregiver gives you options on both the front-end and back-end of the site so that you can customize your admin experience and tweak your theme.
Post Types Order - Change the Order of Your Posts Automatically
Use a drag and drop panel in the WordPress admin to automatically rearrange and sort your posts in whatever output you want, then see the effects immediately.
Jetpack Widget Visibility Extended « WordPress Plugins
This plugin is a proposed enhancement of the Jetpack Widget Visibility module.
JP Widget Visibility
Specify which widgets appear on which pages of your site.
Widget CSS Classes
Widgets Control
Widget Logic « WordPress Plugins
View the Latest Activity on Your Website at a Glance
How to use the Simple History WordPress plugin to keep track of the changes that take place on your ...
Disk Usage Sunburst
Visualize and drill down the disk usage of your whole WordPress installation. Find and identify big ...
Boosting Productivity: How to Organize the WordPress Admin
Alright, I’ll admit it: I’m a procrastinator. I struggle to work productively unless my working envi...
Plugin Grouper
Too many plugins bother you? Make them into group!
Title Capitalization for WordPress Adds Convenience to the Writing Process
If you're a writer, keeping up with all the rules in the English language is tough. One rule I strug...
Page Switcher - A Nifty Little Plugin to use in WordPress
A useful little tool that can be very helpful if you use and have a lot of pages on your Wordpress w...
Admin Menu Manager
Manage the WordPress admin menu using a simple drag & drop interface.
Webmaster User Role
Adds a new "Admin" user role between Administrator and Editor. Perfect for clients and those who kno...
No Page Comment
Disable comments by default on new pages and custom post types, while still giving you the ability t...
Reveal IDs
What this plugin does is to reveal most removed IDs on admin pages, as it was in versions prior to 2...
Organize Series
A plugin for managing the article series you write.
WP Missed Schedule Fix Failed Future Posts
wordpress plugin wp missed schedule fix failed future posts with this problem and republish them cor...