How to Build a Better Tag Cloud in WordPress — SitePoint
Craig isn't happy with the HTML produced by WordPress's wp_tag_cloud() function. In this tutorial he provides a customizable tag cloud generator which can be styled using CSS.
Looking for a way to add the very popular "shop the post" widgets to your WordPress or Blogger site? Get all the details right here and monetize your posts.
How to Bulk Replace the 4.8 WordPress Text Widget with the Classic Text Widget
If you updated to 4.8 WordPress you'll notice a lot of nice improvements, but there is one thing that was done that I felt was like an artist over-working her painting: changing the Text widget to use…
Widgets are blocks of content that can be added to front-end pages such as sidebars. Follow this tutorial on how to create a WordPress widget from scratch.
Modifying Tribe Events Calendar Events List Widget
While I have been generally happy with the plugin, I was not impressed with the lack of options that come with the events list widget. Also, the widget only shows the title of the event and the dat…
Adding Custom Widgets to the WordPress Admin Dashboard
Have you ever wished that your WordPress dashboard was a more useful place? Sure, there are plugins that add modules there but there are countless metrics and shortcuts you may want to add yourself...
Creating Your Own Widgets Using Various WordPress APIs: Introduction - Tuts+ Code Tutorial
Widgets are a neat way of giving site owners some control over the look (and sometimes functionality) of their WordPress sites. In this series, we are going to be creating a handful of WordPress...
Introduction to Creating Your First WordPress Widget - Tuts Code Tutorial
Widgets allow you or anyone using your site, theme or plugin to place content into the sidebar or any other widget area without having to write code. In this five part series I'll show you how to...
How To Build WordPress Widgets Like A Pro - WPMU DEV
WordPress widgets seem to be shortcode’s poor cousins. Perhaps it’s because they are a little more “black box”, a little trickier to code or thought of simply as a sid
Building Custom WordPress Widgets - Tuts Code Article
Building WordPress widgets is just like building a plugin but it is more simple and straightforward. All you need to do is have a single file in which all the PHP goes and it's easier to code than a...
Here we'll cover creating a dynamic widget: one that accepts, formats, and displays user input. Today we're continuing David's discussion of widgets from a