Custom WordPress Rewrite Rule to Combine Taxonomy and Post Type - Igor Benić
WordPress permalinks are great for having friendly urls that your visitors can also remember and that benefit your SEO optimization. Some solutions will require you to have an url made of a combination of different content. In this tutorial we …
Bulk delete Wordpress tags and all taxonomy terms
Be carefull and make database backup before you start. Delete tags with no posts (but probably with cpt): especially usefull when you got some tags
Custom Rewrite Rules for Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
Creating WordPress custom rewrite rules can be confusing. Here's a simple way to add taxonomy terms into custom post type URLs & even add date archive URLs.
Nested Loops and Custom WordPress Queries | EngageWP
Create a complex WordPress query and nested loop to output posts from a Movie post type and organized by a movie_years custom taxonomy.
Say Goodbye to ‘get_terms’, Use ‘WP_Term_Query’ – Vu Nam Hung – Medium
WordPress 4.6 introduces a new class for querying taxonomies. Like WP_Query,WP_User_Query,and WP_Comment_Query.
Create post with custom taxonomy - Gravity Forms Documentation
In this snippet, we will show you how to create a WordPress post using a custom taxonomy.
Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches
You can use the body_class filter in WordPress to add the Taxonomy Terms of a Custom Taxonomy as CSS classes to a post. The CSS class appears in the body element and is only used if the post has been assigned to the taxonomy. The code goes in your functions.php file. add_filter( 'body_class', 'themeprefix_add_taxonomy_class'…
Rename Default Category Taxonomy
After my post on Renaming the default “Posts” post type in WordPress to something else, I’ve gotten some follow up questions on renaming taxonomies as well. Here is a quick tutorial on how you can rename the default WordPress taxonomies (tags/categories). Solution Similar to renaming the post type, we need to tackle two areas: the …
Adding Post Types and Taxonomies to Custom Admin Menu Pages
Customizing the WordPress Admin Menu is a common task. Learn how to place Custom Post Type links and Custom Taxonomy links under ANY WordPress admin menu.
How to Add Existing Taxonomies to WordPress Custom Post Types | WPShout
This article covers how to add existing taxonomies to a custom post type, and how to make that custom post type show up in those taxonomies' archive pages.
Permalink post_type structure with taxonomy slug in it
Permalink post_type structure with taxonomy slug in it · GitHub
Filtering Posts by Taxonomies in the Dashboard
In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to add new filters (dropdowns) to any Post Type screen in order to filter content by custom Taxonomies.
Enhance the power of your WordPress Custom Post Types Custom API endpoints, oEmbed customization & f…
Here are five ways you can take a few code snippets and really extend the possibilities that custom post types offer WordPress developers.
Understanding Taxonomies in a CMS
This article covers crucial questions like "what is a custom taxonomy?", "what is a taxonomy anyway?" and "how can I create a custom taxonomy?"
How to Add Custom Fields to WordPress Taxonomies - Igor Benić
WordPress Taxonomies have by default fours field you may enter: title, slug, parent and description. How about adding an image to a category? You can do that with custom fields. In this tutorial we wi…
Fixing Term Counts & Removing Unused Terms in WordPress with MySQL – Shawn Hooper - WordPress Develo...
Instructions for manually resetting the counts for each taxonomy term, and removing unused terms in ...
How to Create a Taxonomy Archive in WordPress -
You there! You want to know how to create a taxonomy archive in WordPress? Michael stops by Pluginiz...
Read-only taxonomy (user can assign term but can't create or edit existing terms)
I'm creating a custom taxonomy whose terms must remain fixed by all users. Once I've set up the star...
Creating "static" taxonomies to choose from, inside custom post type?
Alright, so i have a custom post type called Blurbs (translated, sort of). I want to add a static se...
Add Custom Field to Category and Taxonomies
There were some general fields for each taxonomy(Category, Tag, etc): name, slug, parent and descrip...
Introducing Term Meta Data In WordPress And How To Use Them – Smashing Magazine
Meta data can now be added to terms to create features like default category thumbnails. Thomas Maie...
A Performant Way to Feature Posts
In a past blog post I explained why featuring posts using a taxonomy term is much more performant th...
Taxonomy Archives: List Posts by Post Type - Tuts+ Code Tutorial
If your theme has taxonomy terms registered to multiple post types, it can be helpful to separate ou...
Sorting WordPress Custom Taxonomy Archives -
Make a small change to the post query using array_merge() to enable manual sort-order in WordPress c...
Taxonomy Archives: List Posts by Taxonomy's Terms - Tuts+ Code Tutorial
Bored of post type archives that list all of your posts in one long list? Here's how to make archive...
Add Already Registered Taxonomy to Custom Post Type
Sometimes, when using a custom post type in your plugins (or themes), it is desirable to add the alr...