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Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches
Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches
You can use the body_class filter in WordPress to add the Taxonomy Terms of a Custom Taxonomy as CSS classes to a post. The CSS class appears in the body element and is only used if the post has been assigned to the taxonomy. The code goes in your functions.php file. add_filter( 'body_class', 'themeprefix_add_taxonomy_class'…
Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches
Rename Default Category Taxonomy
Rename Default Category Taxonomy
After my post on Renaming the default “Posts” post type in WordPress to something else, I’ve gotten some follow up questions on renaming taxonomies as well. Here is a quick tutorial on how you can rename the default WordPress taxonomies (tags/categories). Solution Similar to renaming the post type, we need to tackle two areas: the …
Rename Default Category Taxonomy