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Populate ACF custom fields with Advanced Post Creation GF add-on
Populate ACF custom fields with Advanced Post Creation GF add-on
Hi everyone, Everything in the topic title :). A little more detail though : I have a custom post type, called Estimate. A set of ACF custom fields has been added to this custom post type. I use the Advanced Post Creation Add-on to create a new Estimate thanks with GF. So far, so good ! Post is created, with valid title & content. Then I tried to map my GF fields to the existing ACF custom fields (in the Post Creation section), but none of the ACF fields is mentionned in the Select a Custom...
Populate ACF custom fields with Advanced Post Creation GF add-on
Customise the post titles in ACF's relationship field
Customise the post titles in ACF's relationship field
If you've ever found yourself wanting to modify the post titles in an ACF relationship field, you may have already stumbled across the acf/fields/relationship/result filter. It's a pretty useful filter when you want to provide some more contextual information next to a post title in the relationship field results list. As with many filters built …
Customise the post titles in ACF's relationship field
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Here is a rundown on how to get a multiple marker Google map on a page that contains markers for a business dealer that has it’s own Custom Post Type (CPT). Each dealer has it’s own CPT with an individual map location marker and also another agnostic page that has all the dealers map markers in a…
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Image Carousel Thumbnail Slider with ACF Gallery Field in WordPress | WP Beaches
Image Carousel Thumbnail Slider with ACF Gallery Field in WordPress | WP Beaches
Here is a guide on how to make an image carousel thumbnail slider with ACF in WordPress using the ACF gallery field. Lightslider, a lightweight image slider seems to fit the bill perfectly – I need it to just display simple thumbnails below the main image which on click/touch show the image in the main slide…
Image Carousel Thumbnail Slider with ACF Gallery Field in WordPress | WP Beaches
Don't Query by Repeaters - ACF Extras
Don't Query by Repeaters - ACF Extras
One of the most frequently asked question on the ACF support forum is how to use a WP_ Query to search for posts based on the values in repeater fields. I’m going to give you the answer, and it is a really simple one. You Don’t! You will find several discussions and filters on the […]
Don't Query by Repeaters - ACF Extras