Shortcode Finder
I’m cleaning up a website with a lot of old shortcodes. Before removing a shortcode, we wanted to be sure all pages that used it were updated. So I wrote a shortcode to help 🙂…
Extending WP_Query with Custom Queries and Tables
Retrieveing data using get_posts or WP_Query can be challenging when we need to include custom tables in the query. In this tutorial, we will learn how to include our custom tables to create custom queries. The idea for this tutorial […]
Custom Rewrite Rules for Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
Creating WordPress custom rewrite rules can be confusing. Here's a simple way to add taxonomy terms into custom post type URLs & even add date archive URLs.
Building Efficient WordPress Queries with WP_Query
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the WP_Query class specifically to optimize the SQL queries, reducing execution time and resource consumption.
Say Goodbye to ‘get_terms’, Use ‘WP_Term_Query’ – Vu Nam Hung – Medium
WordPress 4.6 introduces a new class for querying taxonomies. Like WP_Query,WP_User_Query,and WP_Comment_Query.
WordPress Cookies and PHP Sessions - Everything You Need to Know
Diving into the topic of cookies and PHP sessions. Learn what they are, how WordPress uses them, and issues that arise with caching and dynamic requests.
Common Reasons For Theme/Plugin Conflicts in WordPress - Codismo
Going over the most common reasons for theme/plugin conflicts in WordPress and how to avoid them in your theme or plugin.
How to Add WP-CLI Support to Any WordPress Plugin
WP-CLI is loved by WordPress developers, power-users & admins. If you want more such users adding WP-CLI support to a plugin is a smart & easy thing to do.
WP-CLI v2 – Managing WordPress From the Terminal
WP-CLI v2 is a powerful command line tool for developers to manage WordPress installations. Check out how to install and use WP-CLI commands.
Get Vimeo Thumbnail URL from Json
I'm using the following to generate the thumbnail from a Vimeo video in Wordpress via the functions.php file: function get_vimeo_thumb($id, $size = 'thumbnail_small') { if(get_transient('vimeo_'...
Custom Rewrite Rules and Page Templates in WordPress | Tom McFarlin
There are times where you may find yourself in a situation in which you need to work with rewrite rules and page templates.
Resizing Images Programmatically in WordPress | Tom McFarlin
This post provides a short, simple guide on how to use the WP Image Editor for resizing images programmatically.
Insert Content in WordPress after a certain amount of paragraphs
Insert Content in WordPress after a certain amount of paragraphs · GitHub
Enqueue Scripts Only When Needed | The WP Crowd
WordPress developers often enqueue scripts or styles for their themes or plugins. When creating a widget or shortcode, they aren't needed unless on the page
Creating a Better WordPress Loop Using PHP Generators - WP Scholar
The WordPress loop is ubiquitous. It is one of the first things you learn as a WordPress developer and it is something you must know the intricacies of in order to avoid causing problems. Learn how simple PHP generator can be used to simplify things and create a better WordPress loop...
How to Conditionally Enqueue a JavaScript File in WordPress - WPShout
Enqueuing is the WordPress way to add a stylesheet or JavaScript file on a page. We already published a Quick Guide about including your JavaScript in WordPress. This time, though, we’re adding an extra wrinkle: how do you only enqueue a JavaScript file on certain pages of your WordPress site. That’s the focus of this here Quick Guide.
WordPress Local Development For Beginners: From Setup To Deployment
Is there a better way to make direct changes to your WordPress website? Yes, there is! Learn how to build a local WordPress environment with XAMPP and how to get your website online once it’s ready to see the light of day.
Getting started with continuous integration and WordPress | The Man in the Arena
I gave an introduction to continuous integration with WordPress at WordCamp San Diego 2018. This is the companion article that I wrote for it. If you’re just looking for the slides, click here.
FooGallery Developer 101 - FooPlugins Knowledge Base
FooGallery was designed to be the most Developer-friendly gallery there is. As a freelancer, developer, or web development agency you have a lot of clients
Filter Gettext
Custom function to change text strings.
Taking Over a WordPress Website: The Ultimate Checklist
As simple as WordPress is to get up and running, taking over a WordPress website from someone else is anything but. It’s not hard to take control of a WP install, but there are a lot of moving...
Don’t use template_redirect to load an alternative template file
template_redirect is a popular WordPress hook, for good reason. When it runs, WordPress has made its main query. All objects have been instantiated, but no output has been sent to the browser. It i…
setup_postdata(): The Template Tags You Need, the Custom WP_Post Arrays You Crave | WPShout
setup_postdata() lets you treat any bundle of posts the way you would normally treat the results of a WP_Query. setup_postdata() is a function I really lov
How to enable WordPress Extensions in your Plugin - Igor Benić
When working on WordPress Plugins that are going to be used by others, you may want to enable other developers to create their WordPress extensions for your plugin. That will make your plugin grow even more. Previously I have written […]
Learn - Pippins Plugins
The WordPress Customizer – A Developers Guide (Part 1)
A detailed developer guide for adding WordPress Customizer functionality into your theme or plugin, including creating your own custom controls.