Mastering the use of PHP conditionals | The Man in the Arena
No set of control structures is more pervasive in programming than if, elseif and else. With a few exceptions, you’ll use at least one per function or method that you write. There’s just no way around...
How to Setup Time-based Conditional Logic with Gravity Forms - Gravity Wiz
A simple, code-based solution for creating conditional logic rules based on the current time. Works anywhere Gravity Forms conditional logic is supported (i.e. fields, confirmations, notifications, et...
Set a conditional argument for multiple Custom Post Types in WordPress | WP Beaches
You can set a conditional argument for multiple custom post types in WordPress using in_array The fo...
Unconditionally: Refactoring Nested If-Statements for Cleaner Code | WPShout
There's a lot to say about writing clean code: Earth's smartest people have spent a hundred or so ye...
Using Conditional Tags In WordPress
Using Conditional Statement To Control Header image