Managing WordPress Custom Tables with an Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field via @polevaultweb
Whilst working on the site we had the need to store some data about a custom post type. Because of the nature of the data it didn't
How to Work with the WordPress Database: 11+ Useful SQL Queries - WPKube
WordPress sites are powered by their database and learning how it works gives you the power to edit and control your site data and settings with SQL queries
You know that a fast site == happier users, improved ranking from Google, and increased conversions. Maybe you even think your WordPress site is as fast as it can be – you’ve looked at site performanc…
Overtime a wp_postmeta WordPress database table may become bloated and use redundant custom field meta_keys. The table may have thousands of rows worth of dead data such as old custom fields. You can …
How to Clean up Your wp_options Table and Autoloaded Data
Plugins and themes can amass large amounts of autoloaded data in the wp_options table, which slows down your site. Find out how to clean up your database.
Custom fields is a way for WordPress to store arbitrary extra data for content (posts and custom post types), such as author name, published date for a boo