An Alternative to the WordPress template_redirect Hook | Tom McFarlin
When it comes to creating custom templates for plugins, I want them to just work and here’s an alternative to the WordPress template_redirect function.
Quickly Determine the Theme File WordPress is Loading on a Page - WPShout
We’ve talked about the WordPress template hierarchy before on WPShout a few different times. Here are the highlights:
Custom Rewrite Rules and Page Templates in WordPress | Tom McFarlin
There are times where you may find yourself in a situation in which you need to work with rewrite rules and page templates.
Don’t use template_redirect to load an alternative template file
template_redirect is a popular WordPress hook, for good reason. When it runs, WordPress has made its main query. All objects have been instantiated, but no output has been sent to the browser. It i…
Dynamic Page Templates in WordPress - Envato Tuts+ Code Tutorials
In this three part tutorial series you'll learn how to extend the default behavior of WordPress page templates, and make them more flexible by adding custom fields to the page editor to directly...
A Quick and Dirty Guide to Post Type Templates in WordPress 4.7
WordPress 4.7 has delivered some fantastic new enhancements to the CMS’s template system. Templates have now been expanded to include all post types, allowing developers to create more nuanced themes and at the same time allowing site owners to manage content more easily. But how does it all work? In this article, I’ll show you how to use post type templates in your themes with a few easy examples. So What are Templates in WordPress? Templates are essentially special files that can change the look and feel of a page and/or add functionality to your WordPress website.
Add Page Templates to WordPress with a Plugin - WPExplorer
Harri takes you through the code you need to dynamically create WordPress Page Templates directly through PHP without having to access the theme itself.
How to Include or Override WordPress Templates - Igor Benić
Learn how to override WordPress Templates in this tutorial by using easy to use code. Learn how to m...
Hacking the WordPress Template Hierarchy | WPShout
Today we have a very esteemed guest author: Josh Pollock! Josh is the co-founder of CalderaWP, which...
The WordPress template hierarchy explained | @thetorquemag
Single post templates for WordPress
New WordPress Power Tips For Template Developers And Consultants - Smashing Magazine