I often wonder why there isn’t a function in WordPress core that will get a post excerpt outside of the loop. Here is a function that will do just that.
This is an introduction to the core concepts of WordPress themes and comes from the upcoming Second Edition of our "learn WordPress development" course Up
So you are building a super duper cool plugin™ that, say, does something with widgets or shortcodes and you need to apply some CSS conditionally. No worries, that's what wp_add_inline_style() is there…
How to Set Up An Appointment Booking Calendar With WordPress
Need to set up an appointment booking calendar for your WordPress site? Most of our themes are built for businesses, so we know how important a reliable scheduling system is. In this post, I’ll take y…
Unregistering a post type is a serious issue for child theme developers. Because parent theme contains some unwanted post types and that lead to some confu
A Guide to Overriding Parent Theme Functions in Your Child Theme
If you've had any experience working with parent and child themes in WordPress, you'll know that the template files in your child theme override those in your parent theme. So for example if your...
Using Sticky-Kit to make Header, Navigation or other elements sticky in Genesis
Sticky-kit provides an easy way to attach elements to the page when the user scrolls such that the element is always visible. Let's take a look at how we can use Sticky-Kit to make webpage elements re…
How to Convert Any Responsive WordPress Site into Mobile First
Responsive websites and responsive themes are more than a passing fashion. With more and more people using a mobile device to access the internet, responsiveness is now an essential feature of any good website or WordPress theme. If you check out the WordPress theme repository, you’ll find that the majority or recent themes are responsive. And our WPMU DEV themes are responsive too, meaning they look and work great on any device.
How to Add Custom Fields to WordPress Taxonomies - Igor Benić
WordPress Taxonomies have by default fours field you may enter: title, slug, parent and description. How about adding an image to a category? You can do that with custom fields. In this tutorial we wi…
Adding & Sorting ACF Repeater Field Data into Responsive Tabs
Using responsive tabs and ACF repeater field you can present a clean easy to use client front end field submission that can sort repeater field data into appropriate tabbed content. The 2 links above …
Course: A Complete Introduction to the WordPress Hooks System | WPShout
This course covers one of WordPress's most crucial and widely used systems: Hooks, including both actions and filters. We introduce Hooks as an event-drive
A Quick and Dirty Guide to Post Type Templates in WordPress 4.7
WordPress 4.7 has delivered some fantastic new enhancements to the CMS’s template system. Templates have now been expanded to include all post types, allowing developers to create more nuanced themes and at the same time allowing site owners to manage content more easily. But how does it all work? In this article, I’ll show you how to use post type templates in your themes with a few easy examples. So What are Templates in WordPress? Templates are essentially special files that can change the look and feel of a page and/or add functionality to your WordPress website.
Hooks, Line, and Sinker: WordPress’ New WP_Hook Class
The hooks system is a central pillar of WordPress and with the 4.7 release a major overhaul of how it works was merged. The Trac ticket that initially raised an issue with the hooks system was logged ...
Manually Clear WP Rocket Cache - WP Rocket Knowledge Base
If you need to manually clear the WP Rocket cache, you can do so using an FTP program, or the File Manager in your hosting control panel. All your site’s cache files are stored here: wp-content/cache/...
Embedding Single Events with the [tribe_event_inline] Shortcode - The Events Calendar
WordPress’ built-in oEmbed features allow you to embed single events by simply pasting an event’s permalink into post or page content; you can learn more about this functionality here. While that feat...
The Events Calendar and the WordPress Customizer - The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar and its add-ons, like Events Calendar PRO, integrate with the WordPress Customizer to provide a number of options for quick, easy customization. You can tweak the colors of a numbe...