Home › Forums › Front-end Issues › WordPress 4.4 responsive images Solving WordPress 4.4 responsive images Tagged: images, responsive Reply NatHobson December 9, 2015 at 8:24 pm Now that we have respo...
Responsive Images in WordPress with ACF | Aaron Rutley
Posted in Web Development on the 4th of January 2016 by @aaronrutley ( 2 min read ) WordPress 4.4 shipped with an awesome new feature, Responsive Images. This feature works great for any images within...
I came up with following solution. It does create images only for custom post type without creating any additional ones. The only problem is that if you use plugins like advanced custom fields, when
WP Snippet: Create new image sizes for custom post types - WPcustoms Codes
By default WordPress creates three images sizes for every picture uploaded to your media library. If you want to create a new size for custom post types you can copy this code to your functions file. S...
Add Page Templates to WordPress with a Plugin - WPExplorer
Harri takes you through the code you need to dynamically create WordPress Page Templates directly through PHP without having to access the theme itself.
Wordpress / WooCommerce - Related Products by Attribute
I know I'm not the first and I probably won't be the last to try to make this journey work. I've looked at everything that's out there. Most answers are pre WC 2.1. A lot of the replies work with...
WooCommerce list products by attribute with multiple values – Remi Corson
By default WooCommerce allows you to list products by attribute using this shortcode: [product_attribute attribute=’color’ filter=’black’], but this shortcode accepts only one single value for your at...
Woocommerce SEO optimization - Everything you need to do now!
It’s hard to find actionable SEO advice for WooCommerce right now. We decided to lay out all of our best WooCommerce SEO tips for you. We are here to help!
Why Your Custom CSS Doesn’t Work in WordPress and How to Fix It - The Media Temple Blog
You may find that, when you add custom CSS to your website, it just doesn’t get applied correctly. The reason: The “C” in CSS and how WordPress enqueues your stylesheets.
Purge CSS cache automatically after editing the file
Our CDN service is a pull CDN and every static asset is downloaded just once. This can be problematic if you are editing your CSS/JS files on a live site and find that your changes are not reflecte...
Check out this in-depth dissection of the WordPress TinyMCE editor: what it is, and how you can add additional functionality and your own custom plugins.
WordPress Performance – Breaking It Down by HTTP Requests
In this post we break down a WordPress site by HTTP requests to help you better understand what is causing delays and hindering your WordPress performance.
27 Solutions to 14 Forgotten WordPress Page Speed Problems
About 50% of your visitors will abandon your website after 10 seconds or less. Yes, that’s the reality we’re faced with. The good news, however, is that there are many performance-boosting tips you ca...
Kurtis Shaner and Vajaah E. Parker: Intentional Flexibility – Using ACF to Build an IA Driven WordPr...
As an agency that builds enterprise level websites on WordPress and Drupal, The Web Development Group tackles weighty information architecture challenges daily. Equipped with Advanced Custom Fields…
Mastering the use of PHP conditionals | The Man in the Arena
No set of control structures is more pervasive in programming than if, elseif and else. With a few exceptions, you’ll use at least one per function or method that you write. There’s just no way around...
Top 5 Underutilized Web Performance Tricks for WordPress - Designmodo
Most of us know by now that speed is a ranking factor with Google. What this means is that WordPress sites that load faster will have a bigger advantage in Google over those that don’t. So it is very ...
LifterLMS Learning Management plugin for WordPress - WordPress tutorials by PluginTut
One of the hottest segments in the WordPress space right would be the creation of membership websites. We’re getting more and more plugins around the membership space (like my sponsor Restrict Content...
WordPress: How to Enhance the Visual Editor With Custom Formats | NOUPE
You will learn to comfortably use custom formats in the WordPress editor using simple means, and without slowing down your WordPress with a bloated plugin.
Making Your WordPress Website Fly: A Performance Optimization Tutorial
Whether you’re working for a client or developing your own WordPress projects, you don’t need me to tell you that speed matters. A lot. And contrary to the well-known cliche, it’s really the lack of s...
Advanced WordPress Development: Using Gulp to Streamline Your Workflow
No matter what languages you’ve used in the past to development websites, you’ve no doubt had to complete menial, monotonous tasks – image optimization, JavaScript minification, concatenation...
This is a prototype of a drag n’ drop page builder I use for a few sites. The aim is to have the flexibility of Beaver Builder but without the messy markup and the potential for clients to wreak too m...
How to Setup Time-based Conditional Logic with Gravity Forms - Gravity Wiz
A simple, code-based solution for creating conditional logic rules based on the current time. Works anywhere Gravity Forms conditional logic is supported (i.e. fields, confirmations, notifications, et...
The Genesis pagination uses standard WordPress pagination functions, like previous_post_link() and next_post_link(). These functions only apply to the main WordPress query, not any custom ones. So if you created a page template that had a custom query in it, the main query would be for that page’s content. If you tried adding pagination after your custom query,…
Hide a Custom Post Type's Single and Archive Pages in WordPress | WP Beaches
You may find that you need to hide a custom post types single or archive pages or even both in WordPress. This may be the case if you are outputting a custom loop of cpts and don’t want duplicate cont...
One of the challenges you will run into, when developing for WordPress, is finding a way to make your data (which is accessed via PHP) available to your scripts. For example, you might have a popup...