Modifying Tribe Events Calendar Events List Widget
While I have been generally happy with the plugin, I was not impressed with the lack of options that come with the events list widget. Also, the widget only shows the title of the event and the dat…
Under the Hood: Filtering Excerpts in The Events Calendar - The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar and its suite of add-ons use a single function to generate content excerpts: tribe_events_get_the_excerpt(). There’s long been no way to alter the content that this function genera...
Tips for Working With WordPress Actions and Filters - The Events Calendar
WordPress plugins and themes are often customizable with functions called “hooks”. There are two types of hooks: actions and filters. If you’re not familiar with actions and filters, then definitely s...
Custom WordPress Loop With Pagination - Call Me Nick
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a custom WordPress loop with pagination. We will use the WP_Query class to instantiate a new query, and display the posts with pagination.
Using ACF Gallery Field with jQuery Backstretch Plugin | WP Beaches
To have an enduser add or edit images used as multiple backgrounds for use in a backstretch script you can use the ACF Gallery field for the user to add the images and then use a foreach loop to add t...
How to Turn Any WordPress Theme Modification into a Simple Plugin
One of the first things budding WordPress developers learn is to use child themes for customizing WordPress websites. While this is a sound practice, there will also be times when you want to reuse code you’ve added to a child theme with a different theme or on a different website. The best way to package code for use with any theme and on any WordPress website is to add the code to a simple plugin. Plugins are easy to copy from one website to another and can be used with any theme. Let’s look at an example.
Without a single line of code! Grab a copy of the Gravity Forms Dynamic Population Pro plugin Either add a hidden field to your form with the post ID you want to grab the ACF data from, or add a dropd...
How to Add Categories to a Custom Post Type in WordPress
Do you want to add default categories to a custom post type in WordPress? Learn how to add categories to a custom post type and display multiple post types on category pages.