Add Search Toggle Icon at End of Menu in WordPress
In WordPress, you can add a search toggle field at the end of a menu using the filter wp_nav_menu_items or a similar menu filter by which you can append menu items at the end of the targetted menu, add a slideToggle with jQuery for the show/hide effect and a bit of CSS. Targetting the Menu…
Quick Tip: Hierarchical Custom Post Types Not Working for You?
Creating web sites can be challenging. Now a days, a typical web site can have many types of information to present to the reader. With a blog site, we mostly deal with posts that are added to the...
I’m cleaning up a website with a lot of old shortcodes. Before removing a shortcode, we wanted to be sure all pages that used it were updated. So I wrote a shortcode to help 🙂…
Retrieveing data using get_posts or WP_Query can be challenging when we need to include custom tables in the query. In this tutorial, we will learn how to include our custom tables to create custom queries. The idea for this tutorial […]
How to Create a WordPress Custom Dashboard for Yourself or Clients
Want to create a streamlined experience for your clients or third-party users? Check out these easy ways to create a WordPress custom dashboard in minutes.
Custom Rewrite Rules for Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
Creating WordPress custom rewrite rules can be confusing. Here's a simple way to add taxonomy terms into custom post type URLs & even add date archive URLs.
ACF lets you build metaboxes, Gutenberg blocks, and more with their easy-to-use interface. These custom fields are stored in the database and then rendered in the WordPress backend for you…
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Here is a rundown on how to get a multiple marker Google map on a page that contains markers for a business dealer that has it’s own Custom Post Type (CPT). Each dealer has it’s own CPT with an individual map location marker and also another agnostic page that has all the dealers map markers in a…
Add Menu Items in a certain place with wp_nav_menu_filter
wp_nav_menu_filter allows you add items at the end of a menu but what about adding an item in a specific place. add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'prefix_add_menu_item', 10, 2 ); /** * Add Menu Item to end of menu */ function prefix_add_menu_item ( $items, $args ) { if( $args->theme_location == 'primary' ) $items .= '...'; } return…
Managing WordPress Custom Tables with an Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field via @polevaultweb
Whilst working on the site we had the need to store some data about a custom post type. Because of the nature of the data it didn't
How to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post type in WordPress
Sometimes we need to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post type with no single view, such as Testimonial, Team, Coupons etc. But there is no direct way to do it in WordPress. However, by using a specific hook, we can do a little bit of tweaking. Let’s just start by creating a Custom Posts type ‘Team’
An Alternative to the WordPress template_redirect Hook | Tom McFarlin
When it comes to creating custom templates for plugins, I want them to just work and here’s an alternative to the WordPress template_redirect function.
Building Efficient WordPress Queries with WP_Query
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the WP_Query class specifically to optimize the SQL queries, reducing execution time and resource consumption.
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
When working with a WordPress image, I wanted the attributes for the image. The function `wp_get_attachment_image()` provides me everything I need but in a rendered HTML string, rather than a more useful array of attributes. I was surprised I was unable to locate a good way to get this information, so I wrote this code to help me.
Support Webinar: Customizations with Template Overrides | The Events Calendar
The first in a series of webinars by the Modern Tribe Support Team to help our users get the most out of our plugins, this webinar focuses on the popular topic of making customizations to events views.
WordPress Cookies and PHP Sessions - Everything You Need to Know
Diving into the topic of cookies and PHP sessions. Learn what they are, how WordPress uses them, and issues that arise with caching and dynamic requests.
Using Gravity Forms Multi-File Uploads When Creating A New Post
Covered in this Tutorial Saving Gravity Forms File Uploads to the WordPress Media Library Attaching the Uploaded Media to a Post Created from the Submitted Gravity Form Connecting Gravity Forms Multi-File Upload Fields to ACF
Adding post thumbnail in programatically inserted post
I want to insert post programatically so here is the code to add one: global $user_ID; $new_post = array( 'post_title' => 'My New Post', 'post_content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
gform_after_submission - Gravity Forms Documentation
This PHP action hook is executed at the end of the submission process (after form validation, notification, and entry creation). Use this hook to perform actions after the entry has been created (i.e. feed data to third party applications).