Web Hosting Support Accusing You Of Slow MySQL Queries? Read ThisIt happens to thousands of people each day: for some mysterious reason, their website –maybe a WordP...#WordPress#MySQL#reference#tutorials#development·ubergizmo.com·Jun 18, 2015Web Hosting Support Accusing You Of Slow MySQL Queries? Read This
__get() post_meta from a WP_Post Object - Josh PollockNot sure how it took me so long to realize this, but you can use a WP_Post object to get a post_meta...#WordPress#tutorials#development#reference·joshpress.net·Jun 18, 2015__get() post_meta from a WP_Post Object - Josh Pollock
15 Cool and Useful WordPress Hacks that require no pluginsUse these useful WordPress hacks, code snippets and tricks to enable cool features on your WordPress...#WordPress#tutorials·codeable.io·Jun 18, 201515 Cool and Useful WordPress Hacks that require no plugins
Quick tip: Disconnect Jetpack from the WordPress.com side | Post StatusBefore now, deleting Jetpack enabled sites from WordPress.com was pretty hard unless you were in the...#WordPress#tutorials#jetpack·poststatus.com·Jun 18, 2015Quick tip: Disconnect Jetpack from the WordPress.com side | Post Status
How to Create a WordPress Back End That’s Safe for ClientsOnce you’ve handed over a WordPress website to a client, it should be champagne for everyone. Unfort...#WordPress#tutorials#admin·elegantthemes.com·Jun 16, 2015How to Create a WordPress Back End That’s Safe for Clients
Adding Responsive Images to Advanced Custom Fields in WordpressGetting responsive images working with images added through the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin.#WordPress#tutorials#ACF#images#responsive·responsivedesign.is·Jun 2, 2015Adding Responsive Images to Advanced Custom Fields in Wordpress
How to Duplicate a WordPress Website | @thetorquemagLearning how to duplicate a WordPress website is crucial to move from development to live site, migr...#WordPress#tutorials#migration#backups·torquemag.io·May 20, 2015How to Duplicate a WordPress Website | @thetorquemag
Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid in 2015 (Part 1) - WPExplorerCommon WordPress mistakes. Lean about some of the most common WordPress mistakes users make and find...#WordPress#tutorials·wpexplorer.com·May 20, 2015Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid in 2015 (Part 1) - WPExplorer
Making a One Page Navigation Menu in WordPress | Parallelus Help CenterOne-page websites seem to be all the rage these days. The general idea is to have a “landing page” t...#WordPress#tutorials#menus#one-page·para.llel.us·May 17, 2015Making a One Page Navigation Menu in WordPress | Parallelus Help Center
VersionPress 1.0 WalkthroughIn this blog post I'm going to show how VersionPress 1.0 works and how it can help you manage your W...#WordPress#plugins#tutorials#version control·blog.versionpress.net·May 8, 2015VersionPress 1.0 Walkthrough
A Performant Way to Feature PostsIn a past blog post I explained why featuring posts using a taxonomy term is much more performant th...#WordPress#tutorials#performance#custom taxonomies#development·taylorlovett.com·May 6, 2015A Performant Way to Feature Posts
Ignoring `the` in WordPress Queries | CSS-TricksThe following is a post by Jason Witt. Here Jason shares a method for doing something you might assu...#WordPress#tutorials#development#databases·css-tricks.com·May 6, 2015Ignoring `the` in WordPress Queries | CSS-Tricks
Git and WordPress: 3 Tips to Do It BetterThis post was contributed by guest author Peter Suhm. Peter is a web developer from the Land of the ...#WordPress#github#tutorials#version control·wptavern.com·May 6, 2015Git and WordPress: 3 Tips to Do It Better
A Quick Guide to Creating Custom WordPress WidgetsWondering how to go about creating your own custom WordPress widgets? Here's a quick guide to going ...#WordPress#tutorials#widgets#development·winningwp.com·May 6, 2015A Quick Guide to Creating Custom WordPress Widgets
How to Install WordPress Plugins with Multi Plugin InstallerGuide to using the free Multi Plugin Installer to bulk install multiple plugins on your site in just...#WordPress#tutorials#deployment#plugins·wpexplorer.com·May 5, 2015How to Install WordPress Plugins with Multi Plugin Installer
Install Multiple WordPress Plugins in Just a Few Clicks - Tuts+ Code ArticleIf you're one of those who do multiple WordPress installations each month, you are probably as tired...#WordPress#tutorials#plugins#deployment·code.tutsplus.com·May 5, 2015Install Multiple WordPress Plugins in Just a Few Clicks - Tuts+ Code Article
Developing and Deploying WordPress • Beanstalk GuidesThis guide was contributed by SlicenPress, a WordPress development company located in northeast Indi...#WordPress#tutorials#development#deployment·guides.beanstalkapp.com·May 5, 2015Developing and Deploying WordPress • Beanstalk Guides
Custom Carousel in WordPress using bxSlider with a backend UI using CPT - Sridhar KatakamIn this article I show how we can set up a carousel (with 3 images scrolling at a time) using bxSlid...#WordPress#tutorials#custom post types#carousels·sridharkatakam.com·May 4, 2015Custom Carousel in WordPress using bxSlider with a backend UI using CPT - Sridhar Katakam
Jared Novack: Advanced Advanced Custom FieldsThis session takes you through some of the advanced techniques and secrets to get the most out of th...#WordPress#ACF#custom fields#videos#tutorials·wordpress.tv·May 2, 2015Jared Novack: Advanced Advanced Custom Fields
Content Aware Sidebars Tutorial - WordPress PluginHow to add content aware sidebars to your WordPress site, so that certain post/pages have different ...#WordPress#tutorials#videos#sidebars#plugins·genesisclub.training·May 1, 2015Content Aware Sidebars Tutorial - WordPress Plugin
Create And Manage Sidebars With Content Aware Sidebars - WPHUBI recently spoke about how you can add a sidebar to the Twenty Eleven theme. Adding a sidebar is rel...#WordPress#tutorials#sidebars#plugins·wphub.com·May 1, 2015Create And Manage Sidebars With Content Aware Sidebars - WPHUB
Content Aware Sidebar Plugin | Easy Web Design TutorialsCustomizing the sidebars by using Content Aware Sidebar plugin. I really like this plugin and have a...#WordPress#tutorials#sidebars#plugins·easywebdesigntutorials.com·May 1, 2015Content Aware Sidebar Plugin | Easy Web Design Tutorials
WordPress Sidebars - How to Display Them Differently - WPHUBAdding multiple sidebars to your theme is very easy but what to you do if you want to use a differen...#WordPress#tutorials#sidebars#plugins·wphub.com·May 1, 2015WordPress Sidebars - How to Display Them Differently - WPHUB
How To Manage The WordPress SidebarSidebars can be a confusing term in WordPress. This is mostly because in the context of themes and w...#WordPress#tutorials#sidebars#widgets·elegantthemes.com·May 1, 2015How To Manage The WordPress Sidebar
Highly Flexible Layouts using ACF Flexible Content & Repeater FieldsAre you using Advanced Custom Fields Yet? Well, if you build CMS sites using WordPress, you’ll be ha...#ACF#custom fields#tutorials#WordPress·spruce.it·Apr 30, 2015Highly Flexible Layouts using ACF Flexible Content & Repeater Fields
Creating Custom “Snow Fall” Designs in WordPressIn this article we show you how to use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin (ACF) and ACF flexible cont...#tutorials#ACF#WordPress#custom fields·sitepoint.com·Apr 30, 2015Creating Custom “Snow Fall” Designs in WordPress
Extending WordPress With Custom Content TypesWordPress can be extended to fit the requirements of a custom data architecture. Brian Onorio shows ...#custom post types#WordPress#tutorials·smashingmagazine.com·Apr 26, 2015Extending WordPress With Custom Content Types
How to Add a Read More Link to Manual Excerpts - WP MayorIf you want to add a 'read more' link to your manual excerpts, here's how to do it. I tested this co...#WordPress#tutorials#development#excerpts·wpmayor.com·Apr 25, 2015How to Add a Read More Link to Manual Excerpts - WP Mayor
How To Make Your Nav Menu Sticky#WordPress#tutorials#menus·wpsites.net·Apr 23, 2015How To Make Your Nav Menu Sticky
How to Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS - Complete TutorialHere is a 24+ step by step tutorial on migrating your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS. Migrating t...#WordPress#tutorials#SSL·learnseo.io·Apr 23, 2015How to Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS - Complete Tutorial