WordPress Cookies and PHP Sessions - Everything You Need to Know
Diving into the topic of cookies and PHP sessions. Learn what they are, how WordPress uses them, and issues that arise with caching and dynamic requests.
Using Gravity Forms Multi-File Uploads When Creating A New Post
Covered in this Tutorial Saving Gravity Forms File Uploads to the WordPress Media Library Attaching the Uploaded Media to a Post Created from the Submitted Gravity Form Connecting Gravity Forms Multi-File Upload Fields to ACF
Adding post thumbnail in programatically inserted post
I want to insert post programatically so here is the code to add one: global $user_ID; $new_post = array( 'post_title' => 'My New Post', 'post_content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
gform_after_submission - Gravity Forms Documentation
This PHP action hook is executed at the end of the submission process (after form validation, notification, and entry creation). Use this hook to perform actions after the entry has been created (i.e. feed data to third party applications).
Use Merge Tags as Dynamic Population Parameters - Gravity Wiz
Complex fields (fields with more than one input like the Name field, Checkbox fields, Address fields, etc) do not support the default value option. But they do support dynamic population. This snippet enables the ability to use merge tags as dynamic population parameters, allowing you to specify default values for complex fields. How do I […]
Capturing HTTP Referrer URL - Gravity Forms Documentation
This code snippet in Gravity Forms shows how to capture the HTTP Referrer URL on form submissions. The "gform_field_value_refurl" is used in this snippet.
WordPress Image Sizes: a Ticking Time BOMB? | I Love WordPress
This is an issue that affects WordPress websites that have lots of uploaded images, such as news websites, photographers, food blogs, etc. So if you find yourself uploading lots of images into your WordPress media library every month - keep reading.
How to Fix the WordPress HTTP Error (Uploading Image to Media Library)
The WordPress HTTP error can be frustrating as it usually occurs right when you're in the middle of uploading media. Check out these quick ways to fix it.
Traditional field mapping with Gravity Forms can be a pain. In this post I offer an approach to field mapping that is more resilient to form configuration changes, making your custom integrations more robust.
Add Event Categories as CSS classes to Event Posts in Modern Tribe | WP Beaches
Event Categories are not added as CSS classes to individual Event Posts in Modern Tribes Event Plugin for WordPress however you can use the body_class filter to add them in. add_filter( 'body_class', 'cp_event_taxonomy_in_body_class' ); // https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/add-category-name-as-body_class/ // Add event categories terms to body class of event posts function cp_event_taxonomy_in_body_class( $classes ){ global $wp_query; $event_id =…
Google Maps Not Working? Learn How to Fix It | Design TLC
If your Google Map is not working, create a Google Maps API and learn why you need to add billing information to your account. Will you be billed by Google?
Use the Gravity Forms Conditional Shortcode to display conditional content in your Gravity Form confirmations, notifications or HTML fields (with the GP Preview Submission perk).
How can I pull the address from a field type that is not Address? - GravityView
The Maps Premium View requires to setup an address field as the source to geocode the map markers. That Address field is by default a standard Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms merge tags as Default Value for form fields
If you’re new to Gravity Forms merge tags you may think, what the hell is a merge tag? Well they’re placeholders that are replaced dynamically by the value associated to them when used …
WP-CLI is loved by WordPress developers, power-users & admins. If you want more such users adding WP-CLI support to a plugin is a smart & easy thing to do.