Capturing The HTTP Referrer URL On Form Submissions
If you’re trying to determine what page caused a form submission to occur, and need to get the referrer URL, here’s how to do it. Setup Create a hidden field on your form. Add a label to it such as Re…
You know that a fast site == happier users, improved ranking from Google, and increased conversions. Maybe you even think your WordPress site is as fast as it can be – you’ve looked at site performanc…
Learn how to programmatically find unused shortcodes in WordPress. You will see how to search for such shortcodes by using code and WordPress functions
When using number fields, you are able to easily perform calculations. In this article, we will show you how to set up a calculation field. Note: The Total fields cannot be used within calculations. W…
Gravity Forms – How to do advanced number field formula calculations
Gravity Forms provides the ability to perform basic calculations in ‘number’ fields, such as ‘field 1 x 2’ or ‘field 1 + field 2’.As of Gravity Forms 1.9.15 these formulas do not support any advanced …
How to calculate the sum of a field in Gravity Forms - GravityView
Using Math by GravityView, we can use the [gv_math] shortcode to add up the values of all the entries in the form. We need two things to find the total value of
Add tax to your Gravity Forms' submissions in 5 minutes or less. by David Smith Leave a Comment Overview GF eCommerce Field offers several powerful new field types. For this tutorial, we’ll be working…
4 Ways You Can Start Using the WordPress REST API Right Now
The REST API is finally integrated into WordPress’ core, yet so many developers seem to be at a loss for how to use it in their real world projects. We get it – interacting with APIs can be an intimid…
The decoupled or “headless” CMS is rising in popularity among developers because of its capabilities for innovation, flexibility, and future-proofing. Building WordPress-powered websites via the WordP…
One of the very first things people tend to learn when writing plugins is how to attach custom HTML to the bottom of their WordPress posts using the filter called "the_content". This is good, as it...
Learn to limit WordPress the_content words. The best way to limit the_content function words in WordPress. Step by step tutorial with example explain...
Overtime a wp_postmeta WordPress database table may become bloated and use redundant custom field meta_keys. The table may have thousands of rows worth of dead data such as old custom fields. You can …
Sometimes folks with many recurring events want to be able to organize their admin events list differently by hiding extra instances of recurring events. You can make this change with a simple code sn…
How to Write a WP_Query for Multiple Specific Post IDs
Recently, a client project I’m working on required something I don’t think I’ve done before: write a WP_Query to fetch a dynamically generated list of post IDs.
Preventing XSS Attacks in WordPress: Complete Guide to Validating, Sanitizing, and Escaping Data
When it comes to making your WordPress site secure as a developer, probably the most impactful thing you can do is make sure you always clean up data they
Recently, I was working on site speed for a client with one page that makes a large number of custom database queries through WordPress’s WP_Query API.
Adding faceted search to your WordPress site without a third party plugin is easier than you might think. Here is how to create a search form without too much trouble.
Should You Add Push Notifications to Your WordPress Website?
Push notifications are an emerging marketing channel. Learn what they are, their pros and cons and how to add push notifications to WordPress via plugin.
A Developer’s Checklist for Redesigning Your Clients’ Websites
One of the biggest tasks you can undertake with a client is a complete redesign of their website. However, WordPress has a myriad of moving parts, which can make producing consistent work a challenge.…
The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Theme Development
WordPress Theme development is a popular way of building WordPress sites for clients or for your own business if you’re into selling themes. But when starting out, it’s hard to choose how to approach …
A Complete Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide on How to Make a Professional WordPress Blog – from Start t…
A complete step-by-step beginner’s guide on how to make the best possible WordPress blog – from start to finish, and with no steps skipped! (2017 Edition)