Populate ACF custom fields with Advanced Post Creation GF add-on
Hi everyone, Everything in the topic title :). A little more detail though : I have a custom post type, called Estimate. A set of ACF custom fields has been added to this custom post type. I use the Advanced Post Creation Add-on to create a new Estimate thanks with GF. So far, so good ! Post is created, with valid title & content. Then I tried to map my GF fields to the existing ACF custom fields (in the Post Creation section), but none of the ACF fields is mentionned in the Select a Custom...
Show All Post Meta Keys and Values for a Post in WordPress | WP Beaches
If you wanted to see all the post meta keys and values for a post,page or custom post type in WordPress you can either see them in the database in the wp_postmeta table or you could use the get_post_meta function to retrieve all the post meta or a specific key. To output the data to…
Add a body class based on the value of a custom field / post meta
This morning I needed to add a body class to a page only if a meta value stored in the posts meta data was a certain value. Here are a couple examples of that in action.
ACF | Organizing Custom Fields Inside of WordPress with ACF
Utilizing custom fields is a great way to tailor your site’s content to match your exact needs. But the more fields you add, the more unwieldy the WordPres
Remove custom fields meta keys in wp_postmeta
Overtime a wp_postmeta WordPress database table may become bloated and use redundant custom field meta_keys. The table may have thousands of rows worth of dead data such as old custom fields. You can …
Optimizing database for custom fields
Custom fields is a way for WordPress to store arbitrary extra data for content (posts and custom post types), such as author name, published date for a boo
Load All WordPress Custom Fields via Database Query
Using a direct database query, you can load all WordPress custom fields. Here's how to do so in a way that's safe.
Adding Meta Boxes to Post Types in WordPress
We’ve covered adding custom meta boxes to WordPress previously, now we'll move on to explaining their relationship and integration with post types.
How to Add Custom Fields to WordPress Taxonomies - Igor Benić
WordPress Taxonomies have by default fours field you may enter: title, slug, parent and description. How about adding an image to a category? You can do that with custom fields. In this tutorial we wi…
Add Custom Fields to Featured Image Meta Box – GenerateWP
The built-in Featured Image Meta Box is an cool feature. We're so used to it, and we can all agree o...
Add Custom Field to Category and Taxonomies
There were some general fields for each taxonomy(Category, Tag, etc): name, slug, parent and descrip...
ACF | Bidirectional Relationships
This tutorial will cover the concept and code for creating a bidirectional relationship between post...
ACF | Query posts by custom fields
This article will demonstrate how to retrieve an array of post objects from the database using nativ...
Query sort order with custom post types and based on custom field
I've created a member page with custom post types ('members') and added custom fields with the plugi...
ACF | Order posts by custom fields
This article will demonstrate how to retrieve and sort an array of post objects from the database us...
ACF | Code Examples
Display a field Retrieving a field as a variable <?php $variable = get_field('field_name'); /
Random repeater - ACF Support
Home › Forums › Add-ons › Repeater Field › Random repeater Solved Random repeater
Custom Table for WordPress Custom Fields - bradt.ca
I just read Tom McFarlin’s thoughts on building web apps with WP and my comment started to run long,...
Extending Advanced Custom Fields With Your Own Controls – Smashing Magazine
Daniel Pataki shows you how you can extend ACF by adding your own controls to tailor the experience ...
Sorting Query Results by Multiple Meta Keys - Bill Erickson
I’m building a website that features reviews of hosting companies. I’m storing Price, Rating, and “T...
WordPress Custom Fields 101: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
Adding Custom Fields to WordPress User Profile - WP Engineer
How to Create A Custom WordPress Meta Box
Learning how to create custom WordPress meta boxes allow you to make professional UI elements for yourself and your clients. This WordPress meta box tutorial will show you how to add admin UI eleme...
Take Your WordPress Meta Box to the Next Level
This WordPress helper will let you create Meta Boxes fast with the flexibility you need as a developer. Full documentation walks you step-by-step. Create custom WordPress Meta Box UI elements for y...
How To Keep the Custom Fields Area Uncluttered
As you begin to build custom UI elements (meta box elements) for your WordPress themes and/or plugins; you may find it useful to hide certain meta data variable names so that they do not appear in ...
Example How To Add Meta Boxes To Edit Area - WP Engineer
Example How To Add Meta Boxes To Edit AreaAdditional fields, meta boxes, in the edit area of WordPress often are useful and easier for customers instead of using […] Continue reading …
Extend WordPress With Custom Fields | Smashing WordPress
Tutorial on: Adding Meta Boxes and Fields | Piklist