How To Clean Up Your WordPress Media Library | WP Engine®
When you have a lot of posts, pages or media content, it's easy for your WordPress media library to get out of hand. Cleaning up your library not only makes it easier to use (saving you time), but also reduces disk space. Learn how to clean up your WordPress media library!
Image Sizes in WordPress
The complete tutorial about image sizes in WordPress – add a custom image size, deregister default ones, regenerate thumbnails and other examples.
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
When working with a WordPress image, I wanted the attributes for the image. The function `wp_get_attachment_image()` provides me everything I need but in a rendered HTML string, rather than a more useful array of attributes. I was surprised I was unable to locate a good way to get this information, so I wrote this code to help me.
Connect Gravity Forms File Upload to ACF Gallery Field - JDN
A bit of code to connect Gravity Forms to ACF Gallery field for front-end file uploads.
Programmatically create the image attachment and return the new media upload id.
Programmatically create the image attachment and return the new media upload id. · GitHub
Gravity Forms Upload to Post Attachment
Code for comment at · GitHub
Gravity Perks // GP Media Library // Auto-attach Uploaded Files to GF-generated Post
Gravity Perks // GP Media Library // Auto-attach Uploaded Files to GF-generated Post · GitHub
Using Gravity Forms Multi-File Uploads When Creating A New Post
Covered in this Tutorial Saving Gravity Forms File Uploads to the WordPress Media Library Attaching the Uploaded Media to a Post Created from the Submitted Gravity Form Connecting Gravity Forms Multi-File Upload Fields to ACF
Adding post thumbnail in programatically inserted post
I want to insert post programatically so here is the code to add one: global $user_ID; $new_post = array( 'post_title' => 'My New Post', 'post_content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
WordPress Image Sizes: a Ticking Time BOMB? | I Love WordPress
This is an issue that affects WordPress websites that have lots of uploaded images, such as news websites, photographers, food blogs, etc. So if you find yourself uploading lots of images into your WordPress media library every month - keep reading.
Get Vimeo Thumbnail URL from Json
I'm using the following to generate the thumbnail from a Vimeo video in Wordpress via the functions.php file: function get_vimeo_thumb($id, $size = 'thumbnail_small') { if(get_transient('vimeo_'...
Resizing Images Programmatically in WordPress | Tom McFarlin
This post provides a short, simple guide on how to use the WP Image Editor for resizing images programmatically.
Function(s) to get an attachments caption / title / alt / description.
How to Set a Default Fallback Image for WordPress Post Thumbnails
Step by step guide that shows you how to set a branded image as a default fallback post thumbnail or how to set the first post image as the default fallback post thumbnail.
How I fixed broken Twitter Card images on WordPress posts
I found the one file to fix that kept my Twitter Card images from not showing when sharing posts from my WordPress blog. Here is how I fixed it..
How to add custom image sizes to your theme
I can't stop praising WordPress when it comes to the conveniences it provides. While the approach it takes on things might not suit everyone, every time, for the most part its solutions to common issues
How to Edit an Image in WordPress: Crop, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Resize
Learn how to edit an image in WordPress. Scale, rotate, flip, resize & crop images in the WordPress Media Library. This step-by-step guide demonstrates how to easily edit WordPress images with no photo editing software, Photoshop, etc. Restore your original image with one click, or replace an image and keep the file name.
Remove WordPress Default Image Sizes | WP Beaches
WordPress image sizes contain defaults, small, medium and large as well as medium-large which is used in their implementation of responsive images. You can remove these default images with a WordPress filter intermediate_image_sizes_advanced Why you may want to do this could be that you definitely don’t need certain sizes or you are saving on web disk…
How to Use the Facebook Debugger to Fix WordPress Images
Is you WordPress featured image not displaying correctly or perhaps an old image is showing? Find out how to fix this using the Facebook Debugger tool.
Remove Unused Image Media Sizes In Your WordPress Theme | WP Beaches
Keeping your WordPress image media library under control can mean a big difference to your site loading faster as well as your hard disk size footprint with the ability to easily back up or migrate your site. You basically need to remove any unused image sizes and images themselves not used, optimise existing image sizes and ensure future…
25+ Common WordPress Image Errors And Issues + How To Fix Them
Struggling with some aspect of Wordpress images? We collected 25+ common WordPress image errors and we'll show you how to fix each one.
Using the New PDF Preview Images in WordPress 4.7 in the Real World
When WordPress 4.7 was released at the end of 2016 most of the response was around the new REST API endpoints for posts, comments, terms, users, meta, and settings. However, it was one of the new smal…
Strategies for Handling Large WordPress Media Libraries in Dev and Staging Environments
One of the questions we get asked fairly often about WP Offload S3 is whether or not it is OK to use in development or staging environments. When done correctly, using WP Offload S3 can greatly reduce…
How to Fix Common Image Issues in WordPress
Beginner's guide to fix common image issues in WordPress such as how to create image gallery, align images, add captions in WordPress, and more.
Adding and Using WordPress Custom Image Sizes: A Guide to the Best Thing Ever
In this tutorial, we look at WordPress custom image sizes: massively useful, and actually pretty easy to use!
Fixing OEmbed Thumbnail Image Size In WordPress
WordPress turned into an oEmbed provider in version 4.4. It would allow you to embed any WordPress post into another post / page. Great. So now if I’d paste the url of another WordPress post on my blo…
How to use WebP images in WordPress – WPColt
Before I show you how to use WebP images in WordPress, I would like to give a short summary about webP images and why it is a must for your WordPress.
Adding Responsive Images to Advanced Custom Fields in Wordpress
Getting responsive images working with images added through the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin.