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WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
When working with a WordPress image, I wanted the attributes for the image. The function `wp_get_attachment_image()` provides me everything I need but in a rendered HTML string, rather than a more useful array of attributes. I was surprised I was unable to locate a good way to get this information, so I wrote this code to help me.
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
How to Edit an Image in WordPress: Crop, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Resize
How to Edit an Image in WordPress: Crop, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Resize
Learn how to edit an image in WordPress. Scale, rotate, flip, resize & crop images in the WordPress Media Library. This step-by-step guide demonstrates how to easily edit WordPress images with no photo editing software, Photoshop, etc. Restore your original image with one click, or replace an image and keep the file name.
How to Edit an Image in WordPress: Crop, Scale, Rotate, Flip, Resize
Remove WordPress Default Image Sizes | WP Beaches
Remove WordPress Default Image Sizes | WP Beaches
WordPress image sizes contain defaults, small, medium and large as well as medium-large which is used in their implementation of responsive images. You can remove these default images with a WordPress filter intermediate_image_sizes_advanced Why you may want to do this could be that you definitely don’t need certain sizes or you are saving on web disk…
Remove WordPress Default Image Sizes | WP Beaches
Remove Unused Image Media Sizes In Your WordPress Theme | WP Beaches
Remove Unused Image Media Sizes In Your WordPress Theme | WP Beaches
Keeping your WordPress image media library under control can mean a big difference to your site loading faster as well as your hard disk size footprint with the ability to easily back up or migrate your site. You basically need to remove any unused image sizes and images themselves not used, optimise existing image sizes and ensure future…
Remove Unused Image Media Sizes In Your WordPress Theme | WP Beaches