The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Theme Development
WordPress Theme development is a popular way of building WordPress sites for clients or for your own business if you’re into selling themes. But when starting out, it’s hard to choose how to approach …
Course: Core Concepts of WordPress Themes
This is an introduction to the core concepts of WordPress themes and comes from the upcoming Second Edition of our "learn WordPress development" course Up
A Detailed Guide to Theming WooCommerce For WordPress | DesignWall
WooCommerce is one of the most popular and preferred ecommerce solution available on the internet to...
Tips And Tricks For Testing WordPress Themes | Smashing WordPress
YinPress - Build Your First WordPress Theme
Tips And Tricks For Testing WordPress Themes | Smashing Magazine
Child Themes, the Template Hierarchy, and One Sanity-Saving Hack
(Click to go straight to the hack ») Here at WPShout, we're big fans of child themes. The very simpl...