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Add Search Toggle Icon at End of Menu in WordPress
Add Search Toggle Icon at End of Menu in WordPress
In WordPress, you can add a search toggle field at the end of a menu using the filter wp_nav_menu_items or a similar menu filter by which you can append menu items at the end of the targetted menu, add a slideToggle with jQuery for the show/hide effect and a bit of CSS. Targetting the Menu…
Add Search Toggle Icon at End of Menu in WordPress
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Here is a rundown on how to get a multiple marker Google map on a page that contains markers for a business dealer that has it’s own Custom Post Type (CPT). Each dealer has it’s own CPT with an individual map location marker and also another agnostic page that has all the dealers map markers in a…
Multiple Map Markers using ACF Google Map FIeld from CPT on Genesis
Add Menu Items in a certain place with wp_nav_menu_filter
Add Menu Items in a certain place with wp_nav_menu_filter
wp_nav_menu_filter allows you add items at the end of a menu but what about adding an item in a specific place. add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'prefix_add_menu_item', 10, 2 ); /** * Add Menu Item to end of menu */ function prefix_add_menu_item ( $items, $args ) { if( $args->theme_location == 'primary' ) $items .= '...'; } return…
Add Menu Items in a certain place with wp_nav_menu_filter
How to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post type in WordPress
How to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post type in WordPress
Sometimes we need to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post type with no single view, such as Testimonial, Team, Coupons etc. But there is no direct way to do it in WordPress. However, by using a specific hook, we can do a little bit of tweaking. Let’s just start by creating a Custom Posts type ‘Team’
How to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post type in WordPress
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello
When working with a WordPress image, I wanted the attributes for the image. The function `wp_get_attachment_image()` provides me everything I need but in a rendered HTML string, rather than a more useful array of attributes. I was surprised I was unable to locate a good way to get this information, so I wrote this code to help me.
WordPress Image Array of Attributes | Sal Ferrarello