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How to Make the WordPress Editor Look Like Your Website
How to Make the WordPress Editor Look Like Your Website
Though WordPress is increasingly on the verge of becoming a fully-fledged application framework, the humble post editor remains the area of the interface users spend most of their time in. It’s a part of the backend that’s seen significant improvements over the last number of years – the recent move to version 4.0 of TinyMCE in WordPress 3.9 being a highlight – but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. One of the most common problems users have with the editor is the need to constantly switch between editing and preview modes to see how content will actually look live.
How to Make the WordPress Editor Look Like Your Website
How to Customize Your WordPress Post Excerpts | WPShout
How to Customize Your WordPress Post Excerpts | WPShout
The WordPress excerpts system works properly, but it uses lots of functions and it's hard to know which one does what. The WordPress post excerpts system Code snippets to change your WordPress post excerpts: set excerpt length, customize "Read More" text, count characters instead of words, and more.
How to Customize Your WordPress Post Excerpts | WPShout
Move a WordPress Site with the Duplicator Plugin - WPShout
Move a WordPress Site with the Duplicator Plugin - WPShout
There are a lot of migration systems for WordPress. We’ve had lots of good experiences with All-in-One WP Migration. Some people swear by WP Migrate DB Pro. Others are partial to WP-CLI’s terminal-based systems. One of the few tools I’d never tried was Duplicator, but I recently did and I love it. I was very pleasantly surprised about a specific facet of it: I don’t need WordPress to get a new local copy of a remote WordPress site running on my local machine. You just pull down two files, put them in the same folder, and then you’re set. It’s great!
Move a WordPress Site with the Duplicator Plugin - WPShout
How to Conditionally Enqueue a JavaScript File in WordPress - WPShout
How to Conditionally Enqueue a JavaScript File in WordPress - WPShout
Enqueuing is the WordPress way to add a stylesheet or JavaScript file on a page. We already published a Quick Guide about including your JavaScript in WordPress. This time, though, we’re adding an extra wrinkle: how do you only enqueue a JavaScript file on certain pages of your WordPress site. That’s the focus of this here Quick Guide.
How to Conditionally Enqueue a JavaScript File in WordPress - WPShout
Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches
Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches
You can use the body_class filter in WordPress to add the Taxonomy Terms of a Custom Taxonomy as CSS classes to a post. The CSS class appears in the body element and is only used if the post has been assigned to the taxonomy. The code goes in your functions.php file. add_filter( 'body_class', 'themeprefix_add_taxonomy_class'…
Add Taxonomy Terms as CSS Classes to a Post | WP Beaches