How to Use Google Webmaster Tools to Improve Your Website | Elegant Themes Blog
WordPress Tutorials
Taxonomy Archives: List Posts by Taxonomy's Terms - Tuts Code Tutorial
How To Create Shortcodes In WordPress | Elegant Themes Blog
Create a Simple CRM in WordPress: Advanced Custom Fields - Tuts Code Tutorial
Remove frontend dependency from ACF - Bill Erickson
ACF Archives - Sridhar Katakam
You searched for acf | WP Beaches
Change Your WordPress Database Name in 3 Simple Steps - WPMU DEV
Build Your Own Blog - How to Start a Blog Today!
Doing Your Part – Coding Accessible WordPress Websites
Creating Dynamic, User-Editable WordPress Widgets |
Here we'll cover creating a dynamic widget: one that accepts, formats, and displays user input. Today we're continuing David's discussion of widgets from a
Building Custom WordPress Widgets - Tuts Code Article
Building WordPress widgets is just like building a plugin but it is more simple and straightforward. All you need to do is have a single file in which all the PHP goes and it's easier to code than a...
How to Create a Custom WordPress Widget
Beginner's guide to create a custom WordPress widget. Step by step tutorial on how to create your own custom widgets in WordPress.
How To Build WordPress Widgets Like A Pro - WPMU DEV
WordPress widgets seem to be shortcode’s poor cousins. Perhaps it’s because they are a little more “black box”, a little trickier to code or thought of simply as a sid
Introduction to Creating Your First WordPress Widget - Tuts Code Tutorial
Widgets allow you or anyone using your site, theme or plugin to place content into the sidebar or any other widget area without having to write code. In this five part series I'll show you how to...
The Ultimate Mega Guide to Speeding Up WordPress
A few years ago, I played a big part in building a client website that’s still successful enough ...
10 Tips for Keeping a Squeaky Clean WordPress (and Multisite!) Database
If you’ve been using WordPress for a while, chances are your site is due for a clean up. Yo...
The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate 101
Since the inception of WordPress plugins about 10 years ago not a lot has changed in the way we writ...
Shortcut Args for Display Posts Shortcode
I might be biased, but I really enjoy using my Display Posts Shortcode plugin. It makes it easy to q...
How to add support for custom backgrounds in CPTs - Sridhar Katakam
If you would like to add support for Custom Background Extended in single entries of a Custom Post T...
Horizontal Constant Contact Opt-in Form with Input Placeholders - Sridhar Katakam
This tutorial provides details of setting up a horizontal Constant Contact opt-in form in WordPress ...
Why Are These WordPress Hooks Firing Twice?
When you're working on building a plugin that's adhering to the best practices of using a predefined...
Complete Guide to Manage Style Format Drop Down in WP Editor —
There’s tons of tutorial about how to add feature in WP Editor (tinymce) via “formats” drop downs, b...
Populate a Gravity Forms Drop Down Field with A Custom Post Type | Winwar Media
Populate a Gravity Forms Drop Down Field with A Custom Post Type from Winwar Media
Using The Events Calendar's CSV Importer - The Events Calendar
In The Events Calendar 3.2 or higher, users have access to a CSV import feature that allows for impo...
Shortcode to show map markers of child pages with Advanced Custom Fields Pro - The Stiz Media
This post shows you how to create a shortcode that will display a map with markers of all the child ...
Ajax requests for high traffic websites – Interactive Engagement Group | WNET
When we re-launched the PBS NewsHour web site we included many page components which loaded via Ajax...
How to Add Custom Data to a WordPress RSS Feed | WPShout
You've quite likely heard of "RSS Readers" or "Feed Readers" before—if only when a lot of people got...
Hacking the WordPress Template Hierarchy | WPShout
Today we have a very esteemed guest author: Josh Pollock! Josh is the co-founder of CalderaWP, which...
Cron, Email and Automatic Backups - Delicious Brains
This is article 5 of 5 in the series “Hosting WordPress Yourself” Hosting WordPress Yourself Part 1 ...