As we watch the number of non-English WordPress installations grow faster than English installations, the value of making your plugin “translation ready” grows as well. In order to make your plugin tr…
Should You Add Push Notifications to Your WordPress Website?
Push notifications are an emerging marketing channel. Learn what they are, their pros and cons and how to add push notifications to WordPress via plugin.
A Developer’s Checklist for Redesigning Your Clients’ Websites
One of the biggest tasks you can undertake with a client is a complete redesign of their website. However, WordPress has a myriad of moving parts, which can make producing consistent work a challenge.…
The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Theme Development
WordPress Theme development is a popular way of building WordPress sites for clients or for your own business if you’re into selling themes. But when starting out, it’s hard to choose how to approach …
A Complete Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide on How to Make a Professional WordPress Blog – from Start t…
A complete step-by-step beginner’s guide on how to make the best possible WordPress blog – from start to finish, and with no steps skipped! (2017 Edition)
WordPress: Modern Theme Development With Action Hooks
WordPress developers use action hooks in their template files. These help to keep a clear overview of the individual files, as well as the used functions.
How to Clean up Your wp_options Table and Autoloaded Data
Plugins and themes can amass large amounts of autoloaded data in the wp_options table, which slows down your site. Find out how to clean up your database.
The default WordPress search engine is rather average, but with a few bits of code, you can improve it a lot. Find out how to improve WordPress search.
The Non-Technical Guide to a WordPress Multilingual Site
Reaching an international audience or a diverse community that speaks multiple languages is now available to almost any type of business and can have a positive impact on your website traffic and r…
Custom fields is a way for WordPress to store arbitrary extra data for content (posts and custom post types), such as author name, published date for a boo
Get an Array of Values from an ACF Repeater Choice SubField
Get an array of values from an ACF repeater sub-field choice box to use further in your code. So in the sap_colors sub-field above I want to capture the red,blue and green values into an array and hav…
We have always recommended that the “standard” WordPress user installs Jetpack. However, over the past 12 months it has been getting more and more bloated and causing more problems than it solves. the…
<?php /** * Use the built-in post counter * * Sometimes you'll want to keep track of which post you're on in a loop. * Some people create their own $loop_counter (ex: Genesis,…
Vertical tabs with jQuery UI for instant content swapping in WordPress
The motivation behind this article is this Twitter conversation. Looking to have some links at the left which when clicked load the corresponding content on the right side w/o loading the full page? H…
How To Query Multiple Post Types With One Request To The WordPress REST API
One controversial design decision in the WordPress REST API was to have a separate route for each post type. Some people disagreed as combining multiple post types in one route would have been very us…
How is Building an Event Ticketing Website on top of WordPress Like Building a Treehouse?
Have you ever built a treehouse? Where did you start? Did you have a plan or did you just start nailing boards to a tree? My first tree house started out when I nailed some boards to a tree, so I coul…
Looking for a way to add the very popular "shop the post" widgets to your WordPress or Blogger site? Get all the details right here and monetize your posts.
How to Uninstall a WordPress Plugin (the Proper Way)
A majority of plugins leave behind tables and rows in your database after you delete them. Check out how to uninstall a WordPress plugin the proper way.