Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#psychology "#employee engagement"
Rethinking emotion in marketing to deepen engagement
Rethinking emotion in marketing to deepen engagement
You can't convince anyone of anything using only logic (see: reddit political forums, twitter political chats, et al). You need an emotional reaction, after which, the listener will find the logic to justify their new position. I ended up podcasting a bit about this idea, but here's a solid article if this is a subject that interests you.
Rethinking emotion in marketing to deepen engagement
The science behind employee engagement in a crisis | LinkedIn
The science behind employee engagement in a crisis | LinkedIn
You've heard of the five stages of grief, right? As we all do our best to come to terms with the new pandemic reality, these five steps might be a helpful guide to not only understanding our own feelings, but to understand how to position our messaging to employees. If you can tap into this model, you can come out with stronger employee engagement, which powers your own employer brand.
The science behind employee engagement in a crisis | LinkedIn