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Building Purposeful Engagement Plans - Part 5 of Transforming Recruitment Marketing | LinkedIn
Building Purposeful Engagement Plans - Part 5 of Transforming Recruitment Marketing | LinkedIn
A Five-part Blog Series by Allyn Bailey Part 5: Time to Replace Nurturing with Purposeful Engagement Plans Keeping candidates warm and eliminating the candidate black hole experience have historically been the key objectives of recruitment marketing nurturing programs. The goal has been to keep cand
Building Purposeful Engagement Plans - Part 5 of Transforming Recruitment Marketing | LinkedIn
Stop Trying to Make Your Employees Happy. Start Thinking About Their Fulfillment Instead |
Stop Trying to Make Your Employees Happy. Start Thinking About Their Fulfillment Instead |
Speaking of over-indexing, I'm going to call it right now: we as an industry are over-indexing on employee happiness. So many articles and presentations that assume we all want to attract candidates who will be happy in our roles, and I think we've overshot the mark. You can't offer happiness any more than you can offer someone joy. Those are emotions people make themselves. So I was thrilled to see this piece suggesting we focus on offering professional fulfillment rather than happiness.
Stop Trying to Make Your Employees Happy. Start Thinking About Their Fulfillment Instead |