Investment Basketball - Google Docs
24Hr Personal Finance Course: What's Your Investing Risk Profile? - Blog
On Friday, I had a 45 minute lesson at Eastside Prep. with my main learning objective to help the students understand their risk profile and how that impacts their approach to investing (for more on helping students understand risk, listen to my recent podcast with NY Times columnist Ron Lieber) We started with a PollEverywhere with the students creating a word cloud on what words came to mind when they think about risk: A class discussion ensued in which we discussed how we often associate negative terms (trouble, caution, fear, lost, losing money, loss) with risk. I transitioned the conversation to the importance of risk when it comes to investing and introduced the concept of return (or how much profit you earn from an investment). I asked the students to write down what they thought their risk profile was.
Investor Personality Quiz
How well do you know your investing habits? Take this quiz to find out.
Megacaps have dragged markets into the red this year, but a majority of the S&P 500 is still in the green
52% of the S&P 500 has made gains in 2025. So far....
S&P 500 Returns since 1990
Free Historical Investment Calculator - 1980 to 2024
Do you ever second-guess yourself for not investing in a certain stock? It's time to find out what you could've made.
Stoculator | Stock Market Investment Calculator
Do you wonder how much you could've made if you invested in a certain stock? let's find out using our stock calculator
Charted: The Pyramid of S&P 500 Returns (1874-2024)
In 2024, the S&P 500 surged 23%, setting a series of record highs. We show these returns in a historical context spanning 150 years.
OpenAI is worth more than Snap, Domino’s, Zillow, The NYTimes, Levi’s, and 7 other companies combined
The loss-making startup now has $10+ billion to play with...
Companies ranked by Market Cap -
Ranking the world's top companies by market cap, market value, revenue and many more metrics
Investment Calculator
Calculate your investment growth over time with our easy-to-use investment calculator
More Men Are Addicted to the ‘Crack Cocaine’ of the Stock Market
Gamblers Anonymous meetings are filling up with people hooked on trading and betting.
Magnificently Concentrated
If the U.S. equity market becomes less concentrated – our bet for the next decade – skilled active managers are poised to have a decade for the books.
S&P 59 | Snippet Finance
"The S&P 500’s total concentration, which we can measure using a Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (or HHI), is equivalent today to that of an equal-weighted, 59-stock portfolio. Ten years ago, the index was more than twice as diversified. We have never seen – over any 10-year period – a decline (or increase) in diversification of the magnitude
Larry Fink Mentions of ESG Peaked in 2020 | Snippet Finance
Nice analysis of Larry Fink's annual letter for terms related to sustainability and climate. The peak was in 2020. Source.
Bespoke | My Research
Journey Across the Financial System
Join us as we explore the forces that shape the global financial system and how Nasdaq connects it all.
What Is a Backdoor Roth IRA?
Learn how a backdoor Roth IRA gives high-income earners a way to enjoy the tax benefits a Roth IRA has to offer and how to create one.
Bond Prices Vs Bond Yield | Inverse Relationship
In this video we will be looking at the inverse relationship between bond price and bond yield.
When the price of a bond goes up, its yield goes down, and when its price goes down, its yield goes up. Why is that? Watch to find out.
#bondyield #investing #bondprice
Nvidia to join Dow Jones Industrial Average, replacing rival chipmaker Intel
Nvidia is replacing Intel in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a shakeup that reflects a massive change in the semiconductor industry.
Investing for Your Kid's Future
Do you want to kick-start your child's retirement savings or get them through college debt-free? Here are some investing tips for your kid's future.
MarketAlerts | AI-Powered Stock Signals & Analytics
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There are more 401(k) millionaires than ever, Fidelity says
Almost 500,000 Americans have $1 million in their 401(k) accounts
What Percentage of Americans Own Stock?
Gallup's latest estimate finds 61% of U.S. adults own stock, the highest it has been since 2008.
BofA Private Bank Study of Wealthy Americans Finds Generational Divide in Investing, Giving and Preserving Wealth
High-net-worth individuals believe U.S. stocks offer the best opportunities for growing assets, but that conviction is less held by younger investors finds the 2024 Bank of America Private Bank Study of Wealthy Americans.
If you have this much money in your 401(k), you're doing better than most
Data from Fidelity reveals that the median 401(k) balance is $28,900. Here's what to do if you think you're falling behind.