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Some thoughts on character naming conventions & cultural significance of name-shortening
Some thoughts on character naming conventions & cultural significance of name-shortening
I’m noticing a growing trend of people referring to characters from The Untamed by given name only (my theory is this is because of Netflix. Is it because of Netflix?), and while I’m starting to get more used to it and am also actively interrogating my own emotional reactions to it, I do want to provide some of my thoughts on cultural notes regarding naming conventions.
Some thoughts on character naming conventions & cultural significance of name-shortening
What characters call each other (and themselves) in the Guardian Novel
What characters call each other (and themselves) in the Guardian Novel
As a translator, I like to normalise the usage of pinyin honorifics and titles the way Japanese honorifics and titles are normalised in anime/manga. If you’re familiar with anime/manga, I’m sure this list is familiar to you: -san -sama -kun -kaasan -niisan -neesan -sensei -senpai -chan -bucho -shacho. I see no reason at all why we can’t do the same with Chinese honorifics except for the easily translated occupational ones.
What characters call each other (and themselves) in the Guardian Novel