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This is, a site dedicated to turning internet peasants into Internet Landlords by showing them how to setup websites, email servers, chat servers and everything in between.

Starting a website is something that can be done in a lazy afternoon and costs pocket change.

Most of the internet’s problems could be solved if more people had their own personal platforms, so the objective of this site is to guide any normal person through the process of installing a website.

tozka | finding the old internet
tozka | finding the old internet
What I found of value was the discussion ABOUT the link-- particularly the tips on how to find an "old internet" (e.g. de-commercialized and personalized) filtered out from the spam blogs and SEO elite. Here's the useful links that I found in that discussion (plus a few of my own), organized into general tips. Less ads, more people.
tozka | finding the old internet