Snatch Physics: Learn to kettlebell snatch in 21 days (Kettlebell Training) from Independently published

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Snatch Physics: Learn to kettlebell snatch in 21 days (Kettlebell Training) from Independently published
Snatch Physics: Learn to kettlebell snatch in 21 days (Kettlebell Training) from Independently published
The kettlebell snatch is a full body exercise that delivers amazing effects. The snatch can be used to increase cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength, flexibility, core stability, explosive power, and much more. The snatch truly works each and every major joint in the body, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbow, and wrists. For strength, you can't deny the major areas that will improve, such as, latissimus dorsi, deltoid, triceps, erector spinae, abdominals, glute, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, quadriceps, lumbrical muscles, and many more. All these properties make it the king of kettlebell exercises, an exercise everyone should include in his or her training. Mastering the snatch takes time, as someone who has completed 532 unbroken snatches in 30 minutes, working with kettlebells for over a decade, and trained thousands of people across the world, I'm able to break down the snatch step-by-step in such a way that you can go from zero to comfortably snatching at the end of the 21 days. The snatch is an exercise in which a weight is lifted in one continuous motion from start to overhead with an explosive movement in which the weight arrives at the top through velocity generated at the start till approximately middle of the full movement. This kettlebell book includes many photos of the exercises and drills broken down step-by-step. Bonus links to videos which demo the full movement and drills.
Snatch Physics: Learn to kettlebell snatch in 21 days (Kettlebell Training) from Independently published