Found 22 bookmarks
Welcome to RSS Club
Welcome to RSS Club
Congratulations on joining a secret society! If you’re reading this, that means my message has been transmitted successfully. This post is only available to you, Reader, through the ancient peer-to-peer syndication medium of RSS. I hope you are enjoying reading it in your Web 2.0 era feed reader.
Welcome to RSS Club
People and Blogs
People and Blogs
A weekly newsletter, delivered every Friday, where interesting people talk about themselves and their blogs.
People and Blogs
Resources List for the Personal Web - Webweaving - 32-Bit Cafe
Resources List for the Personal Web - Webweaving - 32-Bit Cafe
Welcome to the 32-Bit Cafe Resources list! This list is to help guide and help those who are in every stage of their web-building journey on the personal web. This list is not meant to overwhelm you, but rather give you options and find tools, graphics, utilities, codes, and everything in between to help get you creating more on the independent web. Search on this page with Ctrl+F to find what you’re looking for. We try to focus our findings on free or low-cost, open-source, independent servi...
Resources List for the Personal Web - Webweaving - 32-Bit Cafe
Own Your Web
Own Your Web
Own Your Web is a newsletter by Matthias Ott about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web. Every other week, I send out an exclusive email full of actionable insights, best practices, hacks, links, books, tools, and other high-quality insights I found or explored. Whether you want to get started with your own personal website or level up as a designer, developer, or independent creator working with the ever-changing material of the Web, this little email is for you. ❤✊ Free. No spam ever. You can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up, you consent to my use of your email address to stay in touch with you, as provided in my Privacy Policy.
Own Your Web is a newsletter by Matthias Ott about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web.
Own Your Web
Marginalia Search
Marginalia Search
a small independent do-it-yourself search engine for surprising but content-rich websites that never ask you to accept cookies or subscribe to newsletters. The goal is to bring you the sort of grass fed, free range HTML your grandma used to write.
Marginalia Search