HedgeDoc - Ideas grow better together
Ideas grow better together
Palette List
Download over 2500 pixel art palettes for free in 6 different formats which you can then import into any pixel art program and use for you art.
Coolors - The super fast color palettes generator!
Generate or browse beautiful color combinations for your designs.
Gunicorn - Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
Memos - Open Source, Self-hosted, Your Notes, Your Way
A privacy-first, lightweight note-taking solution that allows you to effortlessly capture and share your ideas.
A self-hosted bookmarking service that is designed to be minimal, fast and easy to set up.
Discourse is the place to build civilized communities
Discourse is modern forum software for your community. Use it as a mailing list, discussion forum, long-form chat room, and more!
GitHub - catppuccin/freshrss: 📥 Soothing pastel theme for FreshRSS
📥 Soothing pastel theme for FreshRSS.
IP Block List – Marius Hosting
IP block list for your Synology NAS. This list will be updated every day and stop SSH attackers.
Synology: Install Pi-hole With Portainer
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
The extensible community framework
Best community software; modern, fast and free. For small to enterprise communities.
GitHub - discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. - discourse/discourse
listmonk - Free and open source self-hosted newsletter, mailing list manager, and transactional mails
Send e-mail campaigns and transactional e-mails. High performance and features packed into one app.
The Bookmark Everything app. Hoard links, notes, and images and they will get automatically tagged AI.
LinkAce - Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source.
LinkAce is a free and open source bookmark archive for long-term storage and organization of your favorite links.
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Synology: How to Update Docker Image
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
Synology: Some Docker Containers Need WebSocket
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
Synology: Install Ghost Blogging Using MySQL as Database
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
How to Install Listmonk on Your Synology NAS
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
How to Install Plex on Your Synology NAS
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
Synology: How to Change Default Certificate
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS.
How to Access Your Synology NAS With Your Own Domain Name?
Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS. - The Unofficial Synology Forum
The unofficial Synology forum for NAS owners and enthusiasts. Whether you need support for your Synology NAS device or other network matters, our well-educated users are at your disposal.
Web Station - Synology Knowledge Center
Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, and all the technical documentation you may need.
Fast, reliable answers and still in trust: Qwant does not store your search data, does not sell your personal data and is hosted in Europe.