Metaverse - YouTube
Metaverse - YouTube
"The Metaverse application is a massive immersive technology resource for education. The application is able to customize experiences using both AR and VR, questions, polls, pictures, and so much more. Using Metaverse, educators and students build AR/VR experiences that can gather results, provide information, create leaderboards, set timers, and collect points, among other possibilities." page 40 of The Immersive Classroom Get more information at
Metaverse - YouTube
Day 2: MootUp by LearnBrite
Day 2: MootUp by LearnBrite
The beauty of virtual reality meeting spaces is the flexibility to interact and engage with students. These experiences are more difficult when only using a traditional video chat, however, MootUp can also work with video chats simultaneously. MootUp brings in 3D objects, slide shows, media boards, and more!
Day 2: MootUp by LearnBrite