5 Ways Writing Instruction Should Evolve In The Age of AI
AI is here to stay, and we need to find ways that AI can help our students while also creating assignments that prioritize human creativity and protect "real" writing.
Generative AI: Teaching ERWC in the Age of ChatGPT
Generative AI: Teaching ERWC in the Age of ChatGPT Jen Roberts Facts about AI https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR_-dGiV_Bpp2zx8KCSH1Ql6bdrrxD82yjYEAqHKlF1zZzYCuicxRT8VuiZrt1E8MYGTLNX2aBRImGS/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=15000 1 bit.ly/AIERWC23