Now that generative AI tools like ChatGPT are available, classwork is bound to change as a result. How do we preserve academic integrity? What's cheating,
5 tips for successful ChatGPT-generated lesson plans
This post is written by Stephanie DeMichele. Stephanie helps people learn things. She brings both humor and empathy to her presentations, connecting and
Generative AI: Teaching ERWC in the Age of ChatGPT
Generative AI: Teaching ERWC in the Age of ChatGPT Jen Roberts Facts about AI 1
Generative AI: Teaching ERWC in the Age of ChatGPT
Generative AI: Teaching ERWC in the Age of ChatGPT Jen Roberts Facts about AI 1
Using ChatGPT effectively can not only save you time as a teacher but help you to innovate your classroom. Try these 100 Prompts for Teachers to Ask ChatGPT
The following form is a tool to measure how significantly the technology effects the student learning goals based on the Triple E Framework. Please note that once you submit your results, you will...
How do all the algorithms, like ChatGPT & Bing, around us learn to do their jobs?**OMG PLUSHIE BOTS!!**:
The Future of Writing in a World of Artificial Intelligence #ChatGPT
Back in December, I showed ChatGPT to a friend of mine who is also a professor. "I'm not worried about AI in my humanities courses," she said. "Not at all?" She shook her head. "I know of colleagues
NightCafe's art is all generated by Artificial Intelligence. Shop for artworks painted by neural networks trained to paint in the styles of other artists.