Noctazure, Antonio Cappiello
Noctazure is a personal project where I experimented with combining different techniques to create a dark, ominous blue energy attack. I blended vertex offset, a Houdini RBD simulation, and a Niagara particle system to bring the effect to life. Playing around with the different elements, tweaking the motion, and refining the energy flow was a blast!
艺术就是爆炸, 刘 洋
vfx_-_laser_beam (2160p).mp4
magiccircle_star (2160p).mp4
Fire Projectile - Unreal Engine 5.4
Carnival Chaos VFX, Florian Koch
Here are some of the VFX i recently did for our little 10 weeks project. Hope you like how they turned out :)
Wukong - Staff Spinning VFX
Wukong Spinning Staff Water Effect | Unreal Engine Niagara I created a spinning staff water effect for Wukong using Niagara in Unreal Engine. 🔹 Emitters in the system: Trail behind the staff – Implemented using a Ribbon Renderer, carefully tuned for smooth motion with a slight blur effect, utilizing UV Tiling settings. Additional Ribbon – A secondary ribbon using a Masked shader with Dithering, allowing for powerful splash of water that creates the effect of water being thrown back as you spin the staff. Water splashes – Created in Liquid Gen and rendered as an 8x8 flipbook. Used a Masked shader with Dithering to prevent overdraw and achieve smooth sprite fading. Would love to hear your feedback! 🚀
Marvel Rivals | Cinematic Trailer | No One Rivals Doom
As the Timestream Entanglement engulfs the Multiverse, heroes from across time unleash their full strength to combat the most dangerous Super Villains they'v...
Marvel Rivals | Launch Trailer
💥 With the timestream on the brink of collapse, it's time for our heroes to rise!From Tokyo 2099 to the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, and to Hydra Charte...
Semi-Realistic Angelic Blast VFX
Hello! I've been trying out semi-realistic style VFX. So here is my new piece made in UE5! I was able to find this very cool animations from Doctor A. on 'sketchfab.com/doctorA'. And by mixing the animations available in the UE sequencer, I came up with this montage. Due to the model looking like an angel, I decided to also follow the angelic look for the VFX. Hope you can all enjoy it
2D Fire Whip Lines
This is my favorite fire exercise. If the "matchstick" wasn't already the "walk cycle of fire" I would want this to be it. Still... give it a try. You'll have a blast, especially when you take it to more complex styles than I can replicate. 90 degrees. 47 degrees. It works at like, any angle. Even 128 Degrees.
Not 451, though. Don't make that joke.
Don't do it.
Lightning 2D FX
Lightning 2D FX
VFX Storyboard for Apeiron , Jessie, Lee Lam
一些我為Apeiron設計的技能, 還有更多因為未公開所以不能發出來, 我排版非常亂哈哈
Here are some skills I designed for Apeiron, and there are more that I can't share yet because they are not public. My layout is very messy haha
[2D FX] VFX Compilation vol. 1, Danil Ryzhkov
I created a challenge for myself consisting of several compilations of effects, where I try out different colors, shapes, timings and ways of movement
Ice spike (Unity), German Frank
unity realtime vfx tutorial :Fireworks vfx optimization tips
#unity3d #vfx #tutorial
vfx tutorial:Generic slash vfx templates
#unity3d #unrealengine #vfx #tutorial