Tentacle VFX, ZYTC
Vfx concepts, Geoffrey Amesse
Discovered recently vfx design at artside concept art during a workshop with Jeremy Vitry and really loved that!
Water- Assets for VFX Artists 02 (Including Unity examples)
Buy here (Artstation): https://srrubfish.artstation.com/store/BWKga/water-assets-for-vfx-artists-02Buy here (Gumroad): https://srrubfish.gumroad.com/l/flipbo...
Supergiant Games auf Twitter
“Each Olympian in #HadesGame can imbue your weapons with unique powers, such as Zeus' thunder or Poseidon's waves. Have a look at just how much goes into each such effect by our resident visual FX and UI artist, @kirbyLFO.”
VFX sketches 07, Charles Moreira (Guildor)
Hello! After a long time with no posts I'm bringing the WIP of a procedural waterfall shader that I'm creating in my spare time. I've started this in UE4, but then I decided to migrate it to UE5, and it's weird how it looks different in both versions. Honestly, I still prefer the results in UE4, but it just need some love!
It's not a fluid, it's just a simple mesh with shader that I'm using a combination between of water textures made from pictures I got from CGtextures and used to create manually a tileset using Photoshop and procedural masks generated using the TexCoord. I love this technique!
It's not ready (and honestly it may never be), and to convince as a real waterfall I should add some particles, but my challenge (and my fun) here is just to give the impression of waterfall and also create some controllers to generate different variations, like a waterfall of poison or lava using a single mesh.
Matthieu Petit auf Twitter
“My modest contribution to "kill team kill" @lovedeathrobots season 3 @2DFX @VFX - Repost”
RealtimeVFX wip. R&D of Flowmap., yohta sasaki
Personal work done as a hobby.
RealtimeVFX wip made mainly in Houdini and Unity.
In Solar Dungeon (Environment fx), Pen9
언리얼 마켓플레이스의 'Infinity Blade: Fire Lands' 소스 안에 있는 Forge 맵을 이용했습니다.
Used Free source from Unreal marketplace, 'Forge' map in 'Infinity Blades: Fire Lands'.
Iceland volcano: Drone footage captures stunning up-close view of eruption
A drone captured stunning close-up shots of lava bubbling in the crater of a volcano on Tuesday that began erupting near Iceland's capital Reykjavik on Frida...
VFX Demo Reel - Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Music : After Midnight by Skinshape https://youtu.be/EuZlv1r2Fl0 https://skinshape.bandcamp.com/
Lou cortes demoreel01 256
Houdini Lava Simulation - Mantra Render
I'm new and still learning Houdini. it's my first simulation render in Houdini and Mantra. Hope you like it.
Muspelheim Effects for God Of War
Here are the effects for Muspelheim that were created for God of War. I want to give a huge thanks to Max Ancar and Kevin Huynh for helping me through the pi...
Dancing Lava
Bubbling Houdini RnD Inspired by- https://vimeo.com/70306439
Rare up close footage of Lava entering the ocean.
Rare footage of lava entering the ocean from a very unique,dangerous and up close angle, watch the creation of new land right before your very eyes on the ru...
Lava & Volcano Environment - Showcase
Asset available here: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/112703?aid=1011lGkb Water version of the pack: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/cont...
What Happens When Lava Meets Ice?
#Outrageous_Acts When a team pours molten lava onto ice, the results are surprising. Full Episodes Streaming FREE on Science GO: https://www.sciencechannelgo...
Water thrown into lava lake creates explosive results
Geoff Mackley throws a jerry can full of water into the lava lake at Erta Ale to test what happens. Filmed by Bradley Ambrose and Geoff Mackley Edited by Bra...
2D Animation Magma FX
Dragon trainer tristana s e impact vfx by jasonkeyser da7sff0
WoW - Maelstrom Erupted FX
This was one of the many effects I made for the Rage of the Firelands trailer. Rendered in World of Warcraft.
lava fx - Google Search