VFX concepts I made themed around ink.
Ink Sword Slash - VFX, Curtis Thorpe
Wanted to delve more into sword slashes and decided on the theme of "Ink".
I had a lot of fun making this effect and putting my own creative spin on it!
Any feedback is welcome and appreciated :)
(Character and Environment Props are property of Epic Games).
Bob_VFX auf Twitter
“太极 #gamedev #unity3d #madewithunity #vfxfriday #VFX #vfx”
The Great Transmutator Benoit Onillon
My entry for The Great Transmutator challenge from RealtimeVfx!https://realtimevfx.com/c/Events/competition-the-great-transmutatorPrizes announcement update ...
Lostark VFXWork Blade Skill
Lostark_VFX_WorkBlade_SkillParkHyungSubgudtjq230@gmail.comCopyright 2022. SmilegateRPG. All rights Reserved.
FX_Study_InkSplatter, Park Seounghyeok
抄了 但没完全抄-游戏特效原创作品-Magesbox
抄了 但没完全抄,向阳游戏特效原创作品-Magesbox
Unreal_VFX_2022, DDDDDD
UE4 Unreal vfx Reel by Luoxin
UE4 Unreal vfx Reel by Luoxin
apply for jobs 1026164758@qq.com
TKO on Twitter
・short mix一年経ってまた1コマを多用したい身体になってしまいそうだ。 pic.twitter.com/dFUXe5pbci— TKO (@SzTko) January 5, 2018
Shadow fight 2 cinematic's shot [01]
The shot from my old animation project. ----------------------------------------------- Tumblr: timerkaevr.tumblr.com/ Instagram: instagram.com/timerkaev_r Videohive: goo.gl/f8...
Shadow fight 2 cinematic's shot [03]
The shot from my old animation project.
Ink skill
WoW - Shadow Beam FX
This is the beam used in the Shadowmoon Valley in-game cinematic, in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. You can see the final cinematic here: http://youtu.be...
Rock Show VFX - The Effects That Bring Brutal Legend to Life
This session presents an overview of the process and technology used to create the visual effects for Br'tal Legend. The design and most commonly relied upon features of our particle rendering, simulation, effects timeline and climate packages...
battlerite ruhkaan 01
battlerite jumong 01
Unity3d Magic Effects Pack 1 (AssetStore demo)
Asset store package of effects for Unity3D Link on asset store https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/particles/spells/magic-effects-pack-1-99856
Ink Brush tutorial 水墨特效教學
水墨特效教學, 使用3D MAX, AE (plugin Trapcode form), ShaderForge 1.34, Unity 5.6 (使用 custom data). Ink Brush tutorial made by 3dmax, AE (plugin Trapcode form) , shad...
InkBrush in Unity 5.6 水墨效果
Try to create the ink brush effect with custom data in Unity 5.6. Shader made by shader forge 1.35 . Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanzeng920/ ArtS...
This video shows the ink rendering technology we developed for Brutal Legend. Ink was quite a challenge for us as Ophelia's character is in a constant state…