#lightning #sparkles #stylized #impact
Ryohashi on Twitter
Ryohashi on Twitter
draw effects and VFX practiceAlso serves as an upload test for gifs#procreate #aftereffects gif動画化するとどう見えるかのテスト兼ねてるのでなんか同じもの重複して申し訳ない。ラストの爆発部分が見えやすくなったし、画質のチープさが逆にいい味出してる。 pic.twitter.com/cplgFFGX6O— Ryohashi (@1992YAJIRyo) October 25, 2020
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Alex_Bluebot on Twitter
Alex_Bluebot on Twitter
I’ll be at PAX West in Seattle from Aug 30 to Sep 2, with @DennisCraftshop, swing by if to checkout the awesome MadStreets game!!! We can talk about FX as well.#indiedev #gamedev #indie #unity #mobilegames #videogames #paxwest2019 #madstreets #fx #2dfx #vfx pic.twitter.com/S2kD9RfNT8— Alex_Bluebot (@alex_bluebot) August 26, 2019
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