The Great Transmutator Benoit Onillon
My entry for The Great Transmutator challenge from RealtimeVfx!https://realtimevfx.com/c/Events/competition-the-great-transmutatorPrizes announcement update ...
Unruly Heroes - Character Animation Research
Some quick animation researches for our the action/adventure game "Unruly Heroes" . Animation by Nicolas Leger Music by Julien Koechlin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➡️ Get Unruly Heroes on: 🐵 Nintendo Switch ► https://bit.ly/2WGjeAk 🐵 PS4 ► https://bit.ly/2JKGXsX 🐵 XboxOne ► https://bit.ly/2HLQgXb 🐵 Steam ► https://bit.ly/2KgMXJa 🐵 Win10 ► https://bit.ly/2wviqzj...
FX - Real Time blood breakdown
FX used in Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 when blood possessed enemies appear from the ground. Software used: - 3ds Max 2014 - Photoshop CS6 - After Effects C...
evolving monster 02
evolving monster 01
evolving monster 03