M5VFX RPG.1 SwordTrails
M5VFX RPG.1 SwordTrails
Released on Unreal Marketplace. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/m5-vfx-rpg1-sword-trails This pack includes trails that can be combined with various...
M5VFX RPG.1 SwordTrails
VFX Reel 2014
VFX Reel 2014
Videogame VFX portfolio for work I made between 2006 to 2013. Featuring samples from inFAMOUS: Second Son, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, Gotham City Impostors, and Halo 4. Complete shot list and resume available upon request. (Soundtrack: "Kaz Hayashi '01" by Oxes)
VFX Reel 2014
TKO on Twitter
TKO on Twitter
仕事以外で作った手描きエフェクトをまとめました。2017年版のデモリールみたいなものです。 pic.twitter.com/eTmEI050q5— TKO (@SzTko) August 19, 2017
TKO on Twitter
Energy 095 Radial Transition
Energy 095 Radial Transition
Energy 095 Radial Transition [RTFX Generator] You can purchase the FX pack with this element here =============================================== | Facebook | VK | Videohiv...
Energy 095 Radial Transition
Mix 25
Mix 25
Mix_25 for "Elemental 2d FX" You can purchase it here: goo.gl/2z5Byk ----------------------------------------------- Tumblr: timerkaevr.tumblr.com/ Instagram: instagram.com/timerkaev_r Vi...
Mix 25
Fire 062 Slash Down MiX
Fire 062 Slash Down MiX
Fire 062 Slash Down MiX [RTFX Generator] You can purchase the FX pack with this element here =============================================== | Facebook | VK | Videohive&nbs...
Fire 062 Slash Down MiX